Chapter Four - Hit one

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Dear diary,

7/11 was amazing. We had some plain corn-nuts and some slushies and then he got down on one knee, kissed my hand and asked me to be his girlfriend.

A bit extreme, I know... but it was a very way to ask me out, I'd say. Speaking of very,  I wonder what his revenge plan on Ram is... Ram intended to hurt JD and for that he should die.. but I guess murder doesn't solve anything.

Oh well. I have to bolt if I'm going to finish my French essay.

Sincerely, Y/n


I scribble the final word of my french essay out so I can type it up in class tomorrow. I move my hand to the back of my head and squeeze my bun checking that it's still intact after all the vigorous stress induced essay writing and arm scratching I'd been doing. 

My window suddenly opened and once again in popped JD's upper body, a grin plastered on his face.  I get up from  my desk and make  my way to my bed. He forces himself through the window and falls some what gracefully onto my bed.

"Well hello there." I say a smile playing on my mouth.

"Hiya, Darling." he says before kissing me passionately.

We break apart and I know I must be grinning like an idiot as I bite my lip slightly.

"So revenge..." I question

"Ok so here's my plan..." he says, smirking as he explains his plan.

"So you want me to call up Ram, tell him that I decided to take him up on his offer and to meet me behind the school at dawn... then you come out and shoot him with a blank, to scare the crap out of him and never bother us again?" I say tilting my head to the side.

JD nods grinning,

"Yes ma'am, I've got the gun right here!"

I  smirk slightly and nod.

"You don't have to lie to me Jason... I know that if you were really shooting blanks you would have just loaded them here. Those are real bullets aren't they?"

He looks shocked but still nods.

"So you want us to kill Ram? Like actually KILL him?" I ask 

"I mean yes... he made you cry Y/n! They all did! It's time to clean the slate! We have to erase all the bad and create new!" he says exasperated.

I place a finger to his lips silencing him.

"I completely understand JD.... and I agree..."

JD looked at me with awe before grabbing me and kissing me intensely I grind up against him slightly and he groans before breaking apart.

"Our love is god... call up Ram." He says handing me the phone

"Have you been reading my diary?" I ask in shock.

"You have a diary?" He asks smirking slightly.

"Uh never mind..." I say taking the phone and dialing Ram.

The lines ring a few times before Ram picks up.

"Yellow? Ram speakin' "

"Yeah.. hello Ram? It's Y/n L/n talking..."

"OH Y/n? uh what's up?"

"Well you see I was thinking I'd take you up on your offer and that maybe you'd like to meet me behind the school at dawn so you can... show me your point of view, as you always say..."

After a few flustered noises from Ram's end he says yes and we agree to meet at dawn behind the school. 

I giggle and bury my head in JD's shoulder to try to hide my laughter. JD grins and kisses me deeply once more laying down, pulling me on top of him as he grinds into me.

When we finally break apart we plan the rest of the murder. Or a suicide is what it will actually be. JD goes around my house getting some things and putting them in a girly gift bag he found in my closet and I begin to write the note.

Dear cruel world,

I have killed myself because I knew I could never be myself. My love for Kurt was unbearable in it's self knowing he could never love me back. But the fact that no one around us would accept me either was heart breaking... So I say my final farewell and leave you with a few of my favorite things.

I know this may all be a shock... but I am gay. And all of your ignorance is what has killed me.

Goodbye, Ram Sweeney.

JD hides behind a tree as I wait in the forest, wearing a short skirt and a tighter shirt than normal, leaving my shirt behind in JD's car, which he brought instead of his motor cycle this time. 

Ram stumbles into the forest and grins at me winking before leaning against a tree near me.

"So uh Y/n... you wanna just have me whip it out?"

I chuckle shaking my head.

"Now now Ram... take it a little slower. I want you to undress for me, then I'll count to three, and on three... I want you to rip my clothes off of me." I say cocking an eyebrow at him.

He nods excitedly and hurriedly takes off all his clothes, even boxers came off as he stood there naked in front of me I felt rather repulsed by the thing hanging down from his hips, but I tried to stay in character none the less.

"One..." he takes an excited step in anticipation, "Two..."  he's nearly drooling now...

"Three." JD says as he comes out from the tree with a gun, shooting him straight in the throat.

Ram falls to the ground and I quickly put the note folded in his hand. We make it look like he was holding the gun to his throat and then we left the bag beside him before running to the car.

We could hear two police men nearing the boy, one of them on our trial likely hearing a twig snap.

JD and I take off our shirts as we run to the car and we quickly get in. We throw the shirts to the back of the car and then start making out heavily so that when the policeman gets to us we just look like a couple of seventeen year olds doing normal teenage things.

Sure enough the policeman left and after a long time of making out JD and I broke apart and put our shirts on again. JD was asleep and I snuck my hand into his pocked taking out a cigarette. He jerks awake and then calms down when he sees it's just me.

"Got a lighter?" I ask feeling strangely empty. I had killed someone. I actually murdered someone. And I didn't feel as bad as I should have.

He takes out a lighter and lights my cigarette for me, before pulling one out for himself as well. We sit in silence for a bit just smoking together.

"Was that a big mistake?" I ask, my voice monotone and void of emotion.

He shakes his head.
"We're cleaning the slate. Besides, you didn't kill anyone Y/n. You're too pure... I'll never let you  destroy yourself like that. But I'll never let you leave either... I worship you."

I look over at him and nod.

"We're cleaning the slate. Just you and I, our love  and our cigarettes. We are god."

Betty Finn comes over to our car and tells me how school is over because of Ram's suicide. I respond and thank her for telling us, but my mind is in another place entirely.

Dear diary,

maybe he's no angel. Maybe he's a demon. But maybe he's just an angel of death...

sincerely, Y/n

** JD POV **

Dear Journal,

I worship her. Always.

Sincerely, JD.

(( word count 1230 ))

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