Chapter Thirteen - I love you

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Dear diary,

Canada is cold. Cold, but perfect... JD and I are living the best life up here... I'm sorry I don't write much diary, but this pregnancy keeps getting harder, and I keep going back to the hospital to get checkups...

The good news is, it's a healthy baby girl! The still good but a bit more complicated news is that, there is also a healthy baby boy, who was not quite as expected as the girl.

This whole twins thing complicates things a great deal, money wise. But I know that JD and I will do just fine, and are going to love our babies to death.

Sincerely, Y/n Dean.

I hold the diary close to my chest and smile down at my very swollen stomach. I grunt and stand up, my back wavering slightly as I hold the weight of three human beings.

"Emily!" I yell calling for the older mid wife who has been helping us.

This community is a very close one, and they do just about anything and everything to help eachother. No matter what. The money we had, increased by a fair bit when changed to the Canadian dollar, but it was still not enough to be living the perfect life, obviously. But the whole town was happy to pitch in and help.

For example Emily. She was an older mid wife, who mainly focused on mothers who were pregnant, not with the actual giving birth part. We pay her half of what we normally would to a mid wife so that she can come in a few times a week and help me out with a few things.

"Hey Charlie, what'cha need?" She asks coming in to the bedroom.

Before she enters I stash my diary under the mattress.

"I was thinking of making something nice for Nick," I say with a smile.

"Right! He just got that job down at the lumber mill, eh? How's that goin' for him?" She asks offering me her arm and helping me to the kitchen.

"Oh it's lovely, Emily. He's really thriving, and the pay is so much better." I say smiling brightly.

"Well then, let's make him something like roast beef and potatas." She says.

I smile and nod, trying not to correct her pronunciation of potato, since most of her generation up here calls them that.

We get to work on the meal and a few hours later, Emily left, I'd set the table and the food was ready to be served.

JD entered the house and smiled, closing his eyes as he inhaled the scent.

"Smells wonderful, darling." He says with a smile approaching me and giving me a kiss.

He leans down to my stomach and plants two kisses down there.

"How are my three favourite angels?" He asks.

"Evan and Zoe are wonderful, and so is Y/n." I say tilting his head up to look at me.

"Now let's eat." I say smiling down at him and his adorable face.

We finish our food and later that night we lay side by side in our bed, no longer simply a cot on the floor.

I look over at JD as he read a book, the words on the pages, dimly illuminated by a lamp beside him.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought about everything.

What if after all this he doesn't want me anymore? What if he leaves me alone and finds himself someone younger, prettier, crazier and... well less pregnant. What if all this was for nothing...

I close my eyes tightly and bite my lip to hold back any sobs that might bubble up. 

Suddenly JD puts his book down and looks over at me.

"Y/n? What's wrong?" he asks moving closer to me, and wrapping his arms around me.

I look up at him, sadness in my eyes and simply shake my head, faking a smile,

"It- It's nothing!" I say, my voice cracking.

He pouts and starts stroking my hair. I close my eyes and lean into his hand.

"Jay... what if after all this you don't love me anymore?" I ask quietly, finally voicing my fear.

He sits up and takes my hands, looks me straight in the eye and says.

"That's the stupidest question I've ever heard."

I giggle and look down, tears falling from my eyes.

"Y/n, I love you. Nothing is going to change that! I'm  going to love our kids forever just as I will love you forever. Nothing is ever going change that! NEVER!" he says.

I let out a sob and nod leaning up to give him a kiss.

He leans down and begins kissing all over my face.

"I love you, I love you, I love you..." He says over and over kissing me after every time he says it.

I start giggling and we start kissing eachother happily. We lay down together again and I snuggle into him.

"I love you JD." I say quietly.

"I love you more, Y/n." he says smiling.

And together we fall asleep.

** JD POV **

Dear Journal,

I love her more than life herself, and she should never have to question that.

Also, do we really have to name our children after musical characters?

Oh well. I guess Evan and Zoe are lovely names regardless.

Sincerely, JD.

(( word count 841 ))

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