Lucius Crown and his Comeback

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"How've you-" I didn't let him finish his greeting,  taking the liberty to backhand him across his God-given face.

"Why are you back here, Crown? Shouldn't you be in Barcelona sunbathing, or chatting up a girl?" I hissed, teeth bared. I wasn't thrilled to see my old schoolmate. He'd left without a single goodbye. My parents eventually broke the news to my young self that he'd asked to move away. He said he was bored of the London Fog. 

"I'd thought I'd come and visit you, Rosie. Are you not happy to see my face?" He'd recovered in record time, a mischevious smile replacing his former look of divine shock.

"You. Left. Me. All alone!" Smacking him with my bag, I screamed, tears quickly filling the corners of my eyes. I hit and hit, tears dyed an inky black running down my cheeks. He'd left me. I'd finally gotten forgotten him. Why couldn't he stay gone? I think he'd had enough of my antics, grabbing the bag away from me the next time it came close.

"Enough, Rosaline."

My crying halted, body frozen as he threw my messenger bag a safe distance away from the two of us. My hands were shaky, my body gushing with adrenaline. Soft hands felt for mine, bringing them to the owner's chest. I could feel his steady heartbeat thumping under my fingers, warming the palms of my lotioned hands. I found looking at him unbearable, angling my face downward at my scuffed heels and his polished loafers. He had always been the one who kept up an appearance.

"Rosie..." I bristled at my childhood nickname, snatching my hands out of his as if I'd touched fire.

"Don't call me that, Crown," I snapped, readjusting my collar. I huffed over to my discarded bag, throwing it over my shoulder.


"Just shut up and let me lead you to the boys' dormitories."

He shut his trap, the sound of birds tweeting and gravel crunching the only things easing the tense silence. We passed by girls strolling, books in arms and hands over mouths as they giggled a secret to one another. I caught their eyes flitting over to Lucius, taking in his build and regrettably beautiful face. Lucius noticed as well, taking this moment to ruffle his curls and blush, flashing the two staring girls a charming grin. The girls giggled, averting their eyes as they hurried by. I growled as they passed by, snapping my jaws at the nearest one. She yipped, nodding in greeting as she caught my eyes.

"Good day, head girl," they murmured as they scurried away.

"Head girl? From your attitude, I never would've thought they would appoint you," Lucius sniggered. I punched him in his arm, and he replied with a pained hiss.

"What the bloody hell did you do that for?"

"Don't curse at the head girl, Crown. It's unbecoming of a gentleman, especially a gentleman who is currently attending England's most distinguished boarding school." I surged ahead of him, skipping to the door leading to the dormitories. The crunch of gravel resounded in the dark staircase as Lucius caught up, stepping behind me. This dark staircase was one of many where couples met for a late night rendezvous. There were a select few that opted to meet in the Blackwood Forest behind the academy, but most just stuck to the staircases. God only knew that if I had a blacklight, I would be scarred.

"Cozy, isn't it?" Hot breath whispered down my neck, and I jerked back. I stomped up the carpeted stairs, dragging him by his collar with me. We'd entered the common room.

The emerald drapes hung loosely, it's gold tassels unclasped. Dull light drowned the room, making everything appear washed out. Julia and Elain were seated by the hearth, dealing out cards. Juniper and Autumn were most likely discussing the latest gossip from a magazine.

"This is the common room- don't touch that!" Lucius withdrew his hand from the intricate gold vase, chuckling to himself.

"Couldn't resist. It's beautiful."

"It was imported from China in the 1800's and gifted to Headmaster Harrison in 1893 by a friend of his from Cambridge University. Do. Not. Touch."

"Alright, alright. Calm your tits, Rosaline," he grumbled under his breath. Silence filled the room, the girls who'd been playing cards had dropped them, the cards scattered at their feet. The other two clapped their hands over their mouths, petrified at his flippant remark. Red flooded my vision and I growled. Actually growled. Stalking up to him, I shoved my face close to his. Our breaths mingled, but he didn't yield. He stood his ground, hardening his gaze.

"Pay your head girl some respect, Swine. Your lucky I even bothered to comply with the Headmaster's request to show you around the grounds," I hissed, jabbing a finger into his chest and digging in. He inhaled sharply, stumbling back.

"Never been one for endearing moments, Rosaline?" He straightened his collar and shirt, maintaining a jolly smile. I stalked away to the boys' dormitories, defeat drowning my thoughts. I couldn't have the other residents see my lack of control. He followed, and we entered a Gold coloured hallway, music muffled inside one of the rooms. We'd reached the end of the hallway. I swung the last door open, twirling the gold rusted key around my finger. The room was plain, with a desk in front of the square window and a twin bed to the side.

"Room 36D is yours alone. Don't abuse your privacy by letting one of the girls in. Curfew is at 11:00 on Fridays, 11:30 on Saturdays, and 9:45 on Sundays. Here is your key." I tossed him the key, pushing past him. A firm hand clung to my jacket.

"Why don't we catch up? Perhaps some breakfast at the old cafe we used to eat at?" There was a twinge of hope in his husky voice, and I almost winced.

"I'm not much for breakfast nowadays. I prefer to spend my mornings locked up in my room reading."

"Lunch? At the tea room you always loved?" Desperation crept into his voice, and I relished it. Granting him no satisfaction, I turned to him, holding my cold gaze to his.

"The tea room closed down two years after you left. And I hate tea," I smirked. His nonchalant air had diminished, replaced by a mask that was crumbling to dust.

"Supper?" His eyes drooped, and for a moment I saw the ten-year-old boy that left me. My facade was beginning to crack, but I had to stay strong.

"How many times do I have to tell you? No."

"Rosie, all I want is to make it up to you. At least let me try," he pleaded, his dark hair masking his glistening orbs. I sighed, relenting to his puppy boy sadness.

"Brunch tomorrow. Ten o'clock. Meet me in the common room. Don't. Waste. My. Time. Clear, Crown?" I snapped, jabbing my nail where his heart was each syllable. He winced but managed to produce a weak triumphant smile.

"Clear as your eyes, Rosaline," he whispered, leaning his face towards mine.

"Flattery will get you nowhere with me. My eyes are a cloudy grey."

"Pity. It usually works on others," he jutted his lower lip, and I couldn't help but snigger.

"However, I beg to differ. They're a lovely stormy quartz." I smacked him in the chest and he bent over, coughing.

"Ten o'clock," I said, staring down at his hunched figure.

"Ten o'clock," he managed between fits.

Leaving him to his own devices, I stalked out of the boys' dorm and back into the common room.

"Girls aren't allowed into the boys' side of the dormitories," Juniper said, furrowing her brows.

"Headmaster granted me permission. I'll be Crown's tour guide for the next few months." I left at that, not wanting to spend a second more in that stuffy room.

Ten o'clock. He better not waste my time.

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