Fortes soli, fortiores una! (strong alone, stronger together)

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Lindsey's POV

The doors opened. Amazing, blinding light struck me. It hit me like a thousand diamonds reflecting the sun. I covered my eyes and stepped back. When I finally managed to open them, I was standing in front of a great hall. It's walls decorated with diamonds, and beautiful stained glass, with many symbols craved into them. 

-Amazing huh? I looked around me and saw the boy that was right underneath my "room". He looked excited and happy. His blue eyes glittering with elation. His cheeks flushed with enthusiasm. It was alomst unnatural.

-Yeah, impressive. I answered shyly. Why the hell was he talking to me? Not that I didn't need someone more humanly than those weird creatures aorund me, but there was so many other people to talk to.

-I'm sorry, I didn't introudce myslef. He stretched out a hand towards me. -I'm--- he was cut of by a deafning voice coming from the hall.

-Please enter. It was a creepy sound. Muffled and unclear. Then someone tugged on my shirt. I was being pulled away from the guy that began talking to me. He seemed frightened too. After a moment of chaos everyone entered the great hall. I could hear awes and admiration.

-I am the Leading Light, the God of heaven and all the Universe.

He stood higher than everyone else. I couldn't quite see him clearly, but his gown was shining so bright it was impossible to make out a contour of his body. He stood proud and sure of his words. Unbleievably calm  and kind, but also harsh at first glance. His voice was deep and emotionless.

-I welcome you to my kingdom. You are to abide by the rules. You will each get a guardian, until you settle in. Then you will begin training. You are to do the best. The weakest will not fight. I believe in you, so don't let me down. Peregrine sint, tamen nisi ad nos amici. Today is the day we begin to learn to look through the eyes of others; to find out and experience what the world is like for them. It is also the day we grow bigger than our differences and offer to everyone regardless of historical rights and wrongs, a friendly welcome, an outstretched hand.

He wanted us united. He wanted us the best. 

-We are one. We are an army. An empire of angels fighting all the wrongs. We will grow stornger each day, for we are the followers of Light and our patron is Madiba. A great warrior, queen of courage and knowledge. For her honour!  Fortes soli, fortiores una! 

And all of the angles sounded together. Strong alone, Stronger together! The heavens opened and all came to silence.

The speech of the leading light was mighty and powerful. I felt the energy rising up in me. I felt   amazing. But it raised a lot of questions in my mind. Army of angels? What did that mean? And training?   Why was he speaking in Latin?

After a moment everyone was queueing in different directions. The small doors on the left and right ofthe hall were open. In each of them stood a trooper with a small metal device in their hands. I couldn't see much from where I was standing so I moved closer. I found myslef in a queue. It moved quite fast, I was somewhere between 30th and 36th person in line. 

The troopers had a white mask covering their face. Their body was covered in a white overall with a few pockets. I watched their hands. They were covered. Up to their knees were high boots, bound by leather with a zip running up their calf.

I became more curious about what they were doing. Then I noticed a metal needle-like object being inserted to the arms of the humans who queued in the line. It was hurtful, I could tell by their emotions. It was brutal, the way they did it, without empahty or even a word of explanation. I stepped out of the queue worried. What did they insert into our bodies? Well I wasn't going to just stand ther motionless while they prick me in the arm. I had to figure a way out, not through the doors though.

I looked around, at every door there was a trooper. It wasn't worth running for it. Then I remembered the little entryway I noticed while listening to the speech. I walked swiftly towards the small door. I pushed it open, and hunched so that I could fit into the hole. The door led down the stairs. It smelled heavly of chemicals. I moved cautiosly and slowly until I reached a hallway. Around me were stairs of glass, crystal clear. I was amazed and fascinated. My first impulse is to show it to somebody, but there was no one there. Just me, and echo of course.

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