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"What do you mean?" Mark demanded the voice, fear gripping his heart in an inescapable icy grip.

"His pupils are slightly dilated, I think he has a concussion." Felix spoke up as his ocean blue eyes bore into Mark's.

"Guys, do either of you have a voice in your head?" Mark asked the pair, earning confused expressions in response.

"Mark, you should lie down while-"

"No! I need to figure out what's happening and somehow fix this, for Amy and everyone else I care about." Mark interrupted Sean with a glare that made the Irishman instantly fall silent.

"Do you have any ideas then?" Felix countered snappishly, trying, but failing, to be patient with his friend.

Mark didn't answer, his gaze dropping to the floor as his anger drained out of him like air out of a deflating balloon.

"We should all rest, then we'll try to figure out what to do from there." Felix suggested, glancing between Mark and Sean.

"Fine." Mark replied coldly before storming to his room, slamming the door shut behind him.

He had completely forgotten about Chica until he found her whimpering under the bed, her sad brown eyes looking into Mark's.

"Hey Chica-Bica, it's okay." Mark cooed, slowly reaching a hand out towards her.

Chica licked his hand before inching forward, seeming to relax slightly once she realized that he wasn't angry at her.

"I'm so sorry pupper." Mark whispered as he ran a hand through Chica's golden fur, finally coaxing her out of under the bed.

Mark looked up when he heard a knock on the door, causing him to stand up while Chica happily bounded to the door and barked, her tail wagging in excitement.

"Mark? Look bro, I know you're mad at Sean and I, but we're just worried about you. I mean, if any of us get hurt..." Felix trailed off with a sigh.

Mark knew what the Swede was trying to say.

If any of them got seriously hurt, none of them were doctors, so they could possibly die unless they found one.

"I know, it's just that I wish you guys would trust me." Mark huffed in mild irritation.

"We do, but c'mon Mark, you have to admit that what you're talking about is insane! There's a voice in your head and you think that there's also one in Sean's and mine?" Felix exclaimed in exasperation.

"Let me take over, I can make them believe." The voice in Mark's head directed.

"No!" Mark shouted, clutching his head in his hands.

"Mark? Are you okay?" Felix spoke through the door, his words muffled by the wood.

"How can you expect them to trust you if you can't even trust yourself?" The voice taunted.

"Who are you?!" Mark snapped at the air.

"I'll show you."

Before Mark could react, the world around him turned dark, plunging him into a blackness that felt suffocating.

"Hello Mark Edward Fischbach."

A figure dressed in a black suit with a red tie that looked like Mark abruptly appeared in front of Mark, causing him to stumble back in surprise.

"I was given a name by your fans. What was it again? Oh yes, Dark." The figure continued calmly.

"I am your inner demon in case you hadn't figured that out yet." Dark stated as if the conversation he and Mark was having was normal.

"W-what do you want?" Mark stammered as he stood up, unable to keep the fear from his voice.

"Isn't it obvious?" Dark chuckled coldly, the sound sending chills through Mark's body.

"I want you."

"Mark wake up!"

Mark instantly bolted up into a sitting position, his breathing unsteady and heart racing as he looked around him.

Chica had apparently left the room when Mark passed out, Sean and Felix kneeling down by him.

"God Mark, stop scaring us like that." Sean interjected, relief shining in his sapphire blue eyes.

"What happened?" Mark groaned softly  as he gently rubbed his head, the pain seeming to throb harder than before.

"I heard a thud, so I came in and found you unconscious on the floor. I tried to wake you up, but you just kept shaking and-"

Felix abruptly broke off as he let out a breath, his eyes boring into Mark's and his expression uncharacteristically serious.

"Your eyes turned pitch black for a moment." Felix told Mark grimly, his expression betraying his concern.

"I..." Mark trailed off as he thought of Dark, the image of the demon seared into his mind even when he closed his eyes.

"Here, let's get ya into bed." Sean chimed in kindly, helping Mark stand up.

Mark nodded numbly in response, suddenly feeling drained as he crawled into bed.

Mark let out a sigh as he closed his eyes, smiling slightly when he felt Chica hop onto the bed and curl up by him.

"Sweet dreams Mark, they will be the the last ones you are ever going to have."

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