Together Again

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"This place looks fucking creepy." Jack remarked, shivering as he walked past an abandoned home that was completely intact, the interior lights still on with the tv playing soft music.

"Your world's been taken over, yet it doesn't look that different." Anti chimed in, reading Jack's thoughts.


Jack ignored the demon's comment as he cautiously crept towards the house, armed only with his hope of survival and gamer instincts.

The front door was unlocked, only making Jack feel more tense as he poked his head in.

There was still no one in sight.

"Behind you!"

Jack let out a startled yelp as he whirled around, his eyes wide in fear as he hastily raised his fists.

"Ha, made ya look." Anti snickered, allowing Jack to lower his arms since there was no real danger.

"Why can't you just be like Dark and be a nice demon?" Jack huffed in irritation as he walked into the kitchen, grinning when he opened the fridge and cabinets to see them fully stocked.

"Dark was fucking weak, just like you are now!" Anti retorted defensively.

"I'm not-"

Jack abruptly broke off when he felt Anti take control of his body, the demon forcing Jack to go into the kitchen and grab a knife.

"I could let you die right now and not give a single fuck." Anti growled threateningly, Jack shivering at the sound of his own voice saying those words.

There was a moment of tense silence before Anti relinquished control of Jack, the Irishman breathing out in relief as he dropped the knife and collapsed onto his knees to the floor.

"W-why are you torturing me?" Jack stammered shakily, the brown haired male resting his head in his hands.

"There's no other humans not possessed that I can torture." Anti stated casually as if the answer was obvious.

"Good luck sleeping." Anti laughed quietly before falling silent, leaving Jack to his thoughts as he managed to get up off of the kitchen floor.

"You let Jack go somewhere else by himself?!"

Mark winced at Amy's words, the truth slapping him hard in the face.

The couple were back at their house upon Amy's insistence, Chica currently asleep in her dog bed in the living room while the two talked.

"I had to, Dark-"

"Didn't you tell me that Dark's dead?" Amy interrupted.

"He is, but he wasn't dead when Jack left. We went separate ways because Anti and Dark kept trying to kill each other." Mark explained patiently.

"Why?" Amy questioned with a confused frown.

"Wish I knew." Mark sighed wearily.

"How did Dark die?" Amy added curiously.

Mark closed his eyes as a wave of memories crashed over him, guilt crushing his heart.

Anti's pitch black eyes shining with the intent to kill.

The silver knife blade gleaming in the dim light.

Dark in his shadow form falling to his knees before fading away like a ghost.

"Anti was going to stab me, but Dark intervened by shifting into a shadow." Mark admitted.

"How?" Amy replied.

"I don't know, his knife must be special or something." Mark shook his head, feeling just as confused as Amy.

"C'mon, we should go find somewhere to stay the night." Mark advised, refilling his bag with supplies.

"Dark's dead, Anti's not going to come back looking for us." Amy argued.

Mark hesitated as he glanced at the door, torn between being home or being safe.

"Okay, we'll stay here tonight." Mark conceded reluctantly, leaving his bag on the couch.

"Thanks babe." Amy smiled, pressing a passionate kiss to Mark's lips before going to the bedroom.

Mark went into the kitchen and made dinner since they hadn't eaten for a long time, both fairly hungry.

Chica padded into the bedroom to keep Amy company while Mark cooked some chicken soup, his mouth watering at the smell.

At dinner, the couple talked and laughed for the first time in a long while, everything feeling normal for once.

"I've miss you so much Amy." Mark confessed as he put away the dirty dishes, Amy humming softly as she cleaned the table.

"I've missed you too babe." Amy sighed in content as she left her cleaning rag on the table, walking up behind Mark and throwing her arms around him.

Mark smirked deviously as he turned around and scooped Amy up into his arms bridal style, earning a surprised shriek from Amy.

"Don't worry, I got ya." Mark promised her with a wink, Amy giggling in response as Mark carried her to the bedroom.

Just as Mark laid Amy down onto the bed, he heard a familiar voice in his head.


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