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                where it's been two weeks

i had not made it point to have contact with anyone other than jaden and cory. and i get what you're thinking; you had sex with grayson dolan and have not spoken to him since.

and for that i would say you are absolutely correct. because although i had thought, maybe i could speak to him. for the numerous times i had typed out a text or stared at the contact name that was saved to my phone. it was all too much and i couldn't bring myself to do it as it seemed the same way for him as well. he had not tried to contact me.

the same was for cora. i was back in my room but she made it a point that she did not want anything to do with me. the only time we would be in the same proximity was when we would sleep and she would be gone by the time i would wake up. the whole situation was toxic and that is what caused me to be so silent on her actions. especially since if she found out about grayson and i's little encounter, it would be the worse. however, i did plan on telling her because i would hate to lie.

it also has been two weeks and it made me wonder if she has gotten over the boy. yet at this moment would not be the time as i sat against the wall on jaden's bed when he scrolled through his phone. music playing in the background as i sang along to it lowly, just zoning out. "do you want to get something to eat?" jaden suddenly questions making me process a face of disgust at the thought of any type of food.

"god, no." that only makes jaden scoff as he pushes himself up to look back at me with a weirded out face.

"and why not? aren't you hungry? it is almost dinner time." that causes me to shrug my shoulders when i glance down and fiddle with the piece of loose fabric from my shirt.

"i've been a little nauseous for the last couple of days so food isn't on my mind as of now." i state as jaden raises his eyebrows for a moment and gives me a gaze as if i am crazy. it makes me scoff faintly because of it when i shove him playfully.

"just leave me alone, okay."

"yeah, whatever. let's just go get food for me then. cory wants us to meet him at the diner." jaden's words lets me agree as i find myself standing up with my phone in hand as i go get my shoes i have thrown across the room. once i retrieve them i tie them on as jaden does the same thing before getting his car keys that were found on his dresser.

that causes the both of us to leave the dormitory and out to the parking lot where we drive to the local diner that was my favorite. it was mostly because of the nostalgic aesthetic within the walls of the restaurant. the 50s vibe of strawberry milkshakes and a working jukebox that played the tunes of that era. the floors painted with shinny, checkered tiles and the picture frames of elvis presley and marilyn monroe.

all in all, it was my favorite spot and it become my friend's too when we started coming more often than usual. "hey, sweetheart!" june hollers from the bar where college students sit at with a mouthfuls of burgers and sips of a drink. june was the owner of diner and had a liking to my group which caused her be familiar with us. yet her comment let's me smile and say a hello back.

"we get that aurora is you're favorite, june. doesn't mean you can't say hi to me!" jaden playfully says back as we spot cory in a booth. we begin to slide in as we notice june come our way with a pretty smile.

"oh stop it, jaden. all of you guys are my favorite." june says with a sweet, southern filled accent. it makes me feel welcomed because of it. however she still takes a notepad from her apron and retrieves the pen that was secluded behind her ear. "hey, where's cora?" the sudden mention of her name makes me frown as i look away and jaden clears his throat.

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