Chapter 5

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"What?! I don't love you!" Key yelled.

"It doesn't matter. I'm pregnant. You have to!" Sarang said.

"I-I...okay..." Key frowned.

Sarang smiled and held his hand. "Now we're engaged!"

Key forced a smiled. "I-Uh...I need to tell Taemin."

"Okay, we should tell everyone." Sarang smiled.

Key nodded. He grabbed the bag he packed for Taemin. "Let's go..."

Key led her to the hospital and to Minho's room.

Taemin went to him. "Hey...uh....hi, Sarang..."

"We're engaged." Sarang smiled.

Taemin frowned. "What?" He pulled Key away and out of the room. "What's going on? I thought you didn't like her!"

"She's pregnant. I have to." Key said.

"What? But you used a condom!"

"I know...but it's not a 100% chance that she wouldn't get pregnant." Key started crying.

Taemin frowned. "You can't marry her! You love Jonghyun!"

"I have to. She's pregnant."

Jonghyun came out. "What's with the yelling?"

"Key is marrying Sarang! He loves you still. He can't marry her!" Taemin yelled.

"That's not my problem and you still love me?" He asked Key.

Key was breathing hard as tears ran down his face.

Jonghyun frowned and pulled Key into a hug. "Don't cry. I'm sure it's going to be okay."

"Jonghyun, you have to help him. Please, I'll do anything." Taemin begged.

"If I help Key, you have to leave Minho alone." Jonghyun said.

Taemin frowned. "F-fine,"

"You can't do that to him! Minho loves him and he loves Minho!" Key yelled, pulling away.

"Minho doesn't remember what happened to him. Do you want to marry Sarang or not?"

"I'll do it! Key, this is to help you. Minho will hate me once he remembers. I'll be okay..." Taemin said.

Key was breathing hard. "Y-You can't."

Key fell to his knees, struggling to breath. Taemin knew Key had struggled with anxiety attacks.
"Key, you need to calm down. I'll be fine. I promise! Nurse! We need help!" Taemin yelled.

Jonghyun frowned. "What's wrong with him?"

"He's having an anxiety attack! Nurse!" Taemin yelled again.

A nurse rushed over. Key was sedated and carried to a room.

Taemin looked at Jonghyun. "I want Key happy. Please stop this marriage and....I'll stay away from Minho, but I'll stop hanging out with Minho when you stop the marriage. If you don't, I'm staying friends with him."

"Fine, whatever." Jonghyun said.

The nurse went out. "He's resting. You can go sit with him."

Taemin looked at Jonghyun then ran to Key's room.
Key was sleeping peacefully. Taemin sighed.

Jonghyun went to Minho's room. Minho was sleeping as well.

"What happened?" Onew asked.

"Key had an anxiety attack from having to marry Sarang. Taemin wants me to stop it. He said if I did, he would leave Minho alone." He said quietly so that Sarang wouldn't hear.

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