Chapter 8

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Taemin woke up a few hours later. He got lunch and watched old videos of Minho playing soccer. Minho woke up soon after and sighed.

Taemin looked at him. "I'm sorry...."

"It's not your fault."

" can still play. You can be like those people who were told they can't continue with what they love, but then they find a way to actually continue it. Maybe once you're healed, we can play together."

"Maybe," Minho smiled and held Taemin's hand.

Taemin smiled back at him. "You're the best soccer player ever. You've never lost a game." Taemin curled up to Minho. "No wonder you're so strong and have a lot of muscles."

Minho smiled and hugged him. "Thanks,"

Taemin hugged back. "It's true."

Minho kissed him. Taemin kissed back.

Minho pulled away and stroked his cheek. "I wish we could have sex."

Taemin blushed really hard. He was surprised at Minho being so open about that.

Minho smirked. "You do too?"

Taemin nodded, slightly. Minho smirked and kissed him. Taemin kissed back, blushing harder. A nurse came in and Minho pulled away.

"It's time for a bath."

Taemin nodded. "Can I give him a bath?"

"Can he?" Minho asked. The nurse nodded.

"I'll get it set up."

Taemin smiled. "I get to help you."

Minho smirked. "You get to see me naked."

Taemin's face became red again and Minho chuckled. Taemin hid his face in his hands. Minho smirked.

A nurse came in with a wheelchair. She wrapped up his leg, which was in a cast, and covered the stitches. "You need to make sure this stays dry."

Taemin nodded. "Okay,"

He took Minho to the bathroom and started the water. He carefully undressed Minho. Minho felt awkward. He hated that he couldn't do things himself. Taemin carefully laid him in the bath, making sure to place his leg up. He washed Minho's body, being very gentle.

Minho smiled. "I love your touches."

Taemin blushed as he continued to wash him. Minho smiled and held his hand.

Taemin looked at him. "I can't wash you if you're holding my hand."

Minho pouted. "Okay,"

Taemin giggled and finished washing him. He carefully got Minho out and dried him. He kissed Minho's cheek.

Minho smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too!" Taemin giggled.

Minho kissed him gently. Taemin kissed back.

Minho sighed. "I wish I could do something..."

"You will soon. You just need to rest." He dressed Minho and took him back to the bedroom. Taemin laid him down.

Minho sighed and held Taemin's hand.

Taemin frowned. "I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault."

"Part of it is..." Taemin said. "You wouldn't have gotten hurt if you weren't distracted and you wouldn't have been distracted if I hadn't hurt you."

"I'm sure it's not your fault."

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