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*this is part 3 in the Memories series*

Michael's POV (surprise!)

Hey guys. I know what you're thinking. Why/how am I talking to you right now? Never,mid how the world works, I wanted to let Jane know that I can hear everything she's been saying to me. I don't know how I'm gonna approach it yet, but I'll figure it out.

*a couple hours later*

Jane's POV

Ugh, I really wish I could talk to him one more time or even see him. I miss him so much...

      "I miss you too" comes a sound or voice from behind me.
      "W-who's there?" I ask as I turn around.
      "Who do you think?" Says the voice again.
      "Michael?" I ask into the darkness.
      "Hi babe, it's me" Michael answers.
I am in complete shock. How is this happening right now?! I mean my dead boyfriend is talking to me!

Michael's POV

Score! Jane heard me talking to her. My method for her to hear me was a bit sketchy and could've been unpredictable at some points. I used the energy from her and the world around her to gather enough energy in order for me to make sounds and form words. Apparently it worked. I have to tell her I heard everything she said and that I can't stay for long as I still have many people to meet and see in heaven. Two years is not nearly enough to explore everything!

Jane's POV

I start hearing his voice again.
"Hey baby?" He asks
"Yes?" I answer
"I can't stay long, I need to get back."
"Aww, I wish you could stay longer. I missed you so much. You disappeared for two years and come back for 5 minutes! How am I supposed to carry on without you?!"
"Babe, listen, these 5 minutes mean the world to me, I didn't even know it would be possible for me to talk to you!"
"Can you stay longer?" I ask as I begin to yawn.
"Do you know why you are suddenly so tired?" Michael asks.
"No..." I answer very confused.
"I had to use your energy in order for me to talk to you."
"Use more of my energy, that way you can stay longer."
"You'll die if I use anymore!"
"That's good! That way we'll be able to see each other everyday!" I answer, not really realizing what I was saying.
"Babe. There is no way I am killing you. That's selfish. I'm leaving. I love you. Goodbye."
"MICHAEL!" I yell.
*no response*

Michael's POV

I know it was an abrupt departure, leaving her in tears, but she needs to realize what she has going for her on earth. She has no idea what's coming for her in the next week, but that's a story for a different time. I'm heading out, but you will definitely see me again soon! Bye!

Jane's POV

I just realized what I just said! I told Michael to kill me so that we could be together again! Man, when things get into my head, I become really messed up. I don't wanna make Michael upset, I want to be happy and I want him to be happy!

*a couple months later*

I think I have finally moved on. I ended meeting someone while photographing a wedding. His name is Jake. He's 25. Which is only a couple years older than me. We started talking and have been going out for a couple weeks now. I told him about Michael and how my life fell apart for awhile afterwards and he was there for me, even though I didn't ask him to be. He's there for my random panic attacks. He's there for me when I wake up in the middle of the night screaming because of a nightmare. He's amazing and wants to be there for me through everything, moving forward.

*time skip 9 months*

Today something amazing happened. Jakes asked me a question. I know what y'all are thinking, marriage after only a year? No we're not engaged. He asked me if we could be together forever. Basically us promising one day in the future we will get married, but for now, we're just gonna live our lives together and see where that takes us. He's made my life enjoyable again!

*authors note: so that's part 3 in the Memories series. Idk if I'll make a part 4, unless y'all want one*

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