Chapter 1- One Wish

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*If you haven't read the first book, 'What About My Age?' I really recommend you read it, or else this book will be confusing.


"If I had one wish, we would be best friends, love would never end, it would just begin. If I had one wish, you would be my boo, promise to love you, trust me I'll trust you."

Y'all... I'm about to get my ass whooped! I'm sitting here on my bed, listening to Ray J- One Wish. To be honest, I need two wishes. One being to not get my ass whooped, and two, to get Dale back. But I already know my parents are not gonna ever let me see him again. They're not home yet, when they get here, my mom will not hesitate to put me in the hospital.

I don't know how but when they arrested Dale, they figured out I was the minor he slept with. I wasn't gonna tell them my parents' number until they threatened to put me in jail. I wasn't scared to go to jail, because I've been there before but I would get a triple punishment if I went.

"Braxton! What the fuck is wrong with you!?!" My mother yelled from downstairs, I could hear her footsteps coming up, so I prepared myself. She walked in, giving me a deadly stare. Just when she was about to strike towards me, my father stopped mom by pulling her by her waist. He whispered something in moms' ear, causing her to storm off, still angry as can be.

My dad slowly sat down on my bed, not making eye contact. I was scared of what he was going to say, I already knew he was angry and disappointed in me just like mom. But unlike mom, dad doesn't yell or hit me, he's a little too soft for that, so I knew I was safe... for now.

"Braxton, when I ask you this, I want you to be honest with me. Okay?" My dad asked.

I nodded. "Sure, what is it?" My dad was holding back from asking me about it, I was starting to lose my patience, so I started tapping my feet very loudly.

My dad finally looked me in the eyes, then grabbed both of my hands. "Braxton, this might make you feel uncomfortable but I need to ask this, just to be sure." If he won't ask me the damn question already. "Did he... did he... rape you? Because if he did-" I interrupted.

"What the hell!?! No, he didn't rape me, why would you even think that?"

"Honey, you're sixteen, he's twenty-one. I know you and know you couldn't have possibly consented to that. So what I need you to do is testify against him in court, and explain what he did to you. Don't worry about a lawyer, I'll represent you in this case." The fuck?

"Dad, like I said before, he DIDN'T rape me. I fully consent when we had sex, none of this is his fault."

"Of course it is, he's a grown man, he should know how to control his hormones. He knew what he was doing, he's not the victim, you are. So we need to lock his ass up."

"Dad, you're not hearing what I'm trying to say. What we did was wrong, I know that, but what you need to know is that Dale didn't take advantage of me. What we have is something different, he made me feel like I mattered, he actually listened to what I had to say. I want you to know that he's not like these other guys out here that just wants me for sex. He... loves me, and I'm sorry to say this, but I love him too."

"Braxton, you've only known him for some months now, how do you love him?"

"Dad, you're acting like I known him for three months and fell in love. I'm not those desperate people on the Bachelor and Bachelorette, that falls in love on the first day. Speaking of those shows, when is the next season?"

He rolled his eyes. "That's not important. I have one more question before I leave."

"Go ahead, ask away."

"Do you truly love him? I need to know before I make my decision."

"Make a decision about what?"

"Just answer the question."

I instantly got annoyed, I don't get why he won't just answer me. "Fine, yes. I truly do love him, and I'll do anything to get him back." Without saying another word, he left the room.


"Danté, what the hell are you doing here?" This bitch got some nerve coming to my house, especially coming into my room. Bad enough I got to deal with the Dale situation, I don't want to deal with his delusional ass, the guy just can't take a hint. I've moved on, apparently, he hasn't.

"I'm just here to talk... I heard about what happened with you and that Bryson guy."

"That is none of your business. Also, shouldn't you be with Amber?"

He smacked his lips together. "Hell, nah. We broke up, that hoe was too clingy."

"You realize that was the same 'hoe' you cheating on me with, right?"

"Bitch, you can't be serious? You cheated on me first with Bradley, so you can shut the fuck up with that shit." Now it's my turn to roll my eyes.

"Here we go again. I told you before we even started dating that Bradley and I only sleep with each other if either of us is not in a relationship. You were cool with that, so stop bringing that shit up as an excuse for yo' cheating ass!"

Now he wants to get mad, his face is literally turning red. "You know what, fuck you. Everybody knows that you're a whore, sleeping with that grown man proves it. So don't even try to deny it. As soon as everyone at school finds out, your life is over." And with that, he stepped out of my room, slamming the door.

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