Chapter 6- Ruin

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After hanging out with Lara for the whole day, I decided to head home to Dale. Lara still thinks I should tell him about the baby even if the baby turns out to not be his, but I just can't find myself hurting him like that. We've been through so much together over the past few months and I don't want to ruin our relationship over having another mans' child.

I stepped into the house, but Dale was no where to be seen. So I go upstairs to his office to find him working on his laptop.

"Hey, Riverdale." I say weakly, as I sit across from him.

"Well, hello. How was lunch with my sister?"

Braxton, just tell him.

"It was fine, your sister is really nice."

Really, bitch?

He scoffed. "Don't let that little act fool you, she's the devil in disguise."

If only you knew, you'll be directing that to me.

"Oh, stop, she's your sister, that's just mean." Before Dale could respond, I ran to his bathroom and threw up in the toilet. He came over and pulled my hair back. When I was done, he handed me a towel out of his office closet and I cleaned myself up.

"Braxton, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, probably just a stomach ache."

"Doesn't seem like it, maybe I should call a doctor to give you a check up."

"NO!-" He gave me a weird look, so I quickly changed my answer. "I mean, sure, if you say so."


As we waited for the doctor to arrive, we sat on the couch cuddled up together. I was scared shitless but Dale didn't notice, surprisingly. There's actually still a chance Riverdale could be the father, but if he's not, then we're done for good and that's just the reality of it.

The door bell ranged, meaning the doctor was here. "I'll go get the door." Dale said. Seconds later, a short young woman, with black hair and light brown eyes came inside with a cart full of equipment. As she approached me, my nerves gotten even worse.

"Hello, dear. I'm Dr. Kinsley and you are?" She held her hand out for me to shake.

"Braxton Coleson."

"Lovely. Now, tell what's been going on?"

"Well, I've been throwing up all day, headaches and I overall just haven't been in the mood to do anything."

"Example: We haven't had sex in weeks." Dale said and I put my head down in embarrassment. I asked Dale to go into the kitchen until we're done, he debated but finally left.

"I think I know what's wrong." She pulled out this small stick thing and told me to put it in my mouth for a couple of seconds. She then put it inside of a cup, filled with water I'm assuming. After some time, Dr. Kinsley pulled it out and it turned pink. I didn't know what it meant until she finally spoke. "I knew it... you're pregnant."

Yeah, I know that already. "Sorry, that must not be accurate, it's impossible for me to be pregnant."

"Fine, if you don't believe me, then I'll show you." Dr. Kinsley started to put together some machine and I wondered what it was. She told me to lay down on the couch and I did as told. After putting some gel on my stomach, she rubbed some device on me, spreading the gel.

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