Chapter 2- Until The End

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I decided to not go to school today because I'm pretty sure everyone heard about what happened. I just can't handle the humiliation, I got too much on my mind. I've been pretty distant from my family and friends. I don't even eat dinner with my parents and siblings, I just lock myself in my room.

I tried plenty of times to call or visit Dale, but every time I do, they never let me through. That obviously angered me, but I had to control myself or I would probably end up going on a damn rampage.

"Honey, Bradleys' here to pick you up for school." My dad said from outside my door.

"I'm not going to school, dad."

There was a long pause before he spoke again. "... Okay, if you say so." My father knew what I was going through, so he didn't question it. Seconds later, my sister, Dinah, walked into my room.

"Hey, Braxton."

"...Hey, Dinah." My throat was a bit raspy as I spoke.

"Look, I know you don't want to talk about it but I don't like seeing you like this. You and Dale had a fling, you need to get over it already."

"You don't understand, Dinah, I love him, I don't get how you guys can't see that. If you're just gonna lecture me, then just leave."


After being in my room for a little bit longer, I went downstairs to eat breakfast. I didn't feel like cooking, so I just eat a bowl of 'Cinnamon Toast Crunch', (which is my favorite cereal). I turned my phone on to see I have a crazy amount of missed phone calls and messages from Bradley and Keyshia.

I just ignored it, like I did before.

When I was done, my father walked in with his jacket on and his car keys in his hands. "Shouldn't you be at work already?" I asked.

"Shouldn't you be at school already?" Good point. "Anyway, I need to take you somewhere."

"Where, exactly?"

"No questions. Let's just get in the car."

"How do I know if you're not trying to kidnap me?"

He gave me the side eye. "Child, if I wanted to kidnap you, I would have been done it sixteen years ago." Another good point. "Now let's go."


We were now sitting in awkward silence, driving God knows where. I looked out the window, enjoying the weather California was producing today. Just as I was drifting off to sleep, my dad stopped at an unrecognizable building. But as I looked closely, I realize it was Dales' company.

"Dad, what are we doing here?"

{Dales' POV}

"Although we've come, to the end of the road, still I can't let go. It's unnatural, you belong to me, I belong to you."

I am so glad Braxton introduced me to Boyz II Men, they're so good. She said they are from the 90s, like how did I not know about them? Probably because I'm from the UK, I didn't move to America until I was like thirteen.

If anyone is wondering, I'm obviously not in jail anymore. To be honest, they never put me in jail, I was in the interrogation room the entire time. Yes, I was bored out of my mind. I couldn't-

"Dale!?! Oh my God, you're not dead." Braxton said as she and her father barged into my office. And yes, I still didn't get a lock on my door, sadly.

As I turned the speaker off, Braxton attacked me with a bear hug, I returned affection. I was holding back from kissing her because her father was standing right there. But me being me, I kissed her anyway.
I deepened the kiss, Braxton moaning, enjoying this moment.

Mr. Coleson cleared his throat, indicating for us to stop. I pulled away, not taking my eyes off of Braxton. "Why didn't you call me? And when did you get out?"

"Well, your father refrain me from doing so. And I got out because... Well, I'm Dale Bryson." Braxton gave me an aggravated stare.

"I'm serious, Dale."

"Well, after you confessed your love for me, your dad decided to partner with my brother, Zayn. Since Zayn works for the F.B.I, he has connections and also your dad because he's an Attorney. The rest is just because I'm Da-"

"WE KNOW ALREADY!!! YOU'RE DALE BRYSON, WE GET IT!!!" They shouted in unison. They're making it seem like I'm so full of myself, which I'm not.

"Mr. Coleson, may I have a moment with Braxton, please?" He stood there for a while, obviously thinking whether to leave his daughter with me or not. Finally, he decided to take a step out. "So, how miserable were you without me?" I smirked.

"I wasn't miserable, I was perfectly fine."

"That's not what your father said. He said you were quite sad and lonely, you basically isolated yourself from everyone."

She rolled her brown eyes. "Fine, yes, I was pretty lonely. But only because I wasn't with you, and I thought I wouldn't see you again. My dad literally thought you raped me and he was going to file a lawsuit against you."

I'm not really surprised, to be honest. I slept with a sixteen year old girl, who wouldn't think I raped her? But what I've done is no one's business.

When the cops took me away, I had a feeling I was going to get locked up right away, but I called my brother and told him about the situation, and he said he'll handle it. He bribed a few people to hold me in the interrogation room a little bit longer. While I waited, my brother contacted Mr. Coleson, asking to emancipate Braxton. He didn't know how to respond, so he said he'll think about it. After a few hours, he agreed to do it. So Zayn and her dad met up, and he signed the papers.

Usually, it takes months to get approved but Zayn and Mr. Coleson did something to hurry the process up. And I know I'm supposed to tell her about the emancipation thing, but now is not the time. Everyone knows how crazy she gets.

"Look, I don't care about that. As long as we are here together, safe and sound, that's all that matters. I promise I'll be with you, until the end of the road." I tried to kiss her, but she moved away. "What's wrong?"

"... Don't you ever, and I mean EVER, quote Boyz II Men if you're not a die-hard fan of them like me." All I could do was laugh.

I sure look forward to spending the rest of my life with her.

********************************** A/N- Don't worry guys, this is just the beginning. Drama will be coming soon.

Love Kay-Kay❤

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