Chapter 27

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I couldn't breathe, let alone speak.

She was... Absolutely. Beautiful.

Noticing my gaping, Emma twirled mockingly. She narrowed her eyes at my appreciative whistle and she spun into a pounce directed right at me.

I caught her easily, pulling her up and into me, hungrily catching her still scowling lips with mine.

Trisha coughed from a short distance behind Emma, and I smirked wickedly before pulling Emma a further half step into me. She giggled against my exhibitionist kisses as her roommate began gagging theatrically.

Emma pulled away and excused herself to retrieve her purse from the kitchen.

"Thank you," I heard her murmur into Trisha's ear as the two quickly embraced.

"You deserve..." Trisha started but stopped as Emma gave her a tight squeeze before turning back towards me.

"Ready?" Emma chirped.

I nodded eagerly. "Car's already downstairs."

* * *

"Would you stop that?" Emma blushed.

I shook my head, still smiling like an idiot, my eyes still roaming over every glorious inch of her. "Stop what?"

"This!" She laughed as she leaned across the aisle, opening her eyes absurdly wide.

I had arranged for a private car for the evening and requested something a bit roomier. While I wasn't thrilled with the image luxury SUVs exuded, I was far more comfortable with the additional leg space they provided. The only space I was decidedly not appreciative of was the space between Emma's and my seats.

In her theatrics, Emma had pushed herself as far into the narrow aisle as her seatbelt would permit her. I turned and caught her face between my palms, swiftly planting a kiss on her lips.

I meant for it to only be a peck, but Emma's lips parted and once her dancing tongue slipped into my mouth... It took all the self-restraint I had not to grab her by the hips and pull her into my increasingly taught lap.

Breathless, Emma pulled away first. My lips lagged after hers until my head flopped back against the seat's cushion.

"Suppose we'll have to stop that too once we arrive," she huffed.

I nodded glumly. "Unfortunately."

"Perhaps we should've practiced going out on a proper date first before coming to something like this—you know, practice having self-control in public?" She giggled.

It was brilliant to hear the cadence of her laugh again, and yet I still couldn't help but frown.

"We've been on a proper date." I retorted somewhat defensively.

"That ended with us getting honked at for public indecency," she sniggered as she readjusted herself in her seat.

I sighed up at the car's surprisingly high ceiling. "To this day, I still regret not paying the meter first."

"Don't regret anything." Her tone was light and humorous at first, but with a squeeze of her hand, my gaze drifted over to her somber visage.

"Not when it comes to us," she added with another tight squeeze.

I bobbed my head once before gently squeezing her hand back.

"So..." she started, leaning down to adjust the straps binding her feet to the heels Trisha had insisted upon. If they were already bothering her, she would be in for a long night.

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