Chapter 74

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Emma hissed as she set her teacup clattering against its saucer. "Damn!"

I frowned at her cross expression from across the breakfast table. "What's wrong, love?"

With a heavy sigh, she tossed the society section of the paper toward me narrowly missing my own steaming cup.

"I told Matilda there wouldn't be any photographs," she lamented. "I promised!"

"You can't control the paparazzi," I attempted to sooth her as I took in the photos. There was one of the children clamoring out from the car and another of them looking up in delight at the bell presumably ringing above the door. Several more of the children running around the shop and of Emma and Matilda speaking together like time old confidants. The last, and easily largest photograph, was of all of them together hugging and kissing goodbye on the step of the shop as Emma saw Matilda and the children settled back in their waiting car. The spread was actually quite flattering, but given Emma's reaction I didn't bother mentioning that fact.

"No, but I'd hoped I could out smart them" she sighed again before holding her hand out for the paper to be returned to her. I dutifully folded in half and slipped it into grasp. "Think she'll be cross with me?"

"Matilda?" I shook my head. "She's a big girl... and she's used to it. I wouldn't fret over it."

Emma snapped open the paper and groaned as her eyes scanned over the images once more.

I tried offering her a sympathetic grin. "Ems, relax. She knows you didn't arrange for them to be there."

"I hope so," she muttered as she continued to worry her bottom lip. "I'm supposed to meet Alice, but maybe I'll call Matilda later?"

"Emma, it's fine." I assured her again as I stood up to kiss her goodbye. I planted a firm kiss on her temple and tucked one her wild short curls behind her ear. "Enjoy your time with Alice and don't worry about it."

She scrunched her nose in a grimace as her eyes swiveled to the window. "Do you think they're out there now?"

"Probably not, but... maybe?" I grazed her cheek with my thumb. "Do you want me to go with you?"

Emma shook her head, sending all of her curls flying loose. "I'll be fine," she said with only a hint of false bravado. "Besides, there are worse things they can take photos of me doing than visiting friends at hospitals."

I smirked at her attempted playfulness. "And what sort of things might those be, Ms. Henderson?"

Emma eyed me over the rim of her cup as she stood before depositing her dishes in the sink. She left me with a wink and final kiss as she strode past me to collect her keys and messenger bag waiting for her by the door. I merely raised my eyebrows to her in challenge, which she met with a silent wink before slipping out.

I shook my head and chuckled at the influence Emma held over my racing heart. I turned back to the table to take a final swig of coffee myself as I took in the photo spread once more. They really were lovely...

A painful coughing seized my lungs as a promo printed in tiny lettering caught my eye. I hadn't noticed it before, but upon close inspection in the bottom-right corner of the page it clearly read: FLANNIGAN'S—A SHOP OF FAIRYTALE BOOKS AND ROYAL ROMANCES. FULL INTERVIEW WITH PROPRIETOR, PETER FLANNIGAN IN ARTS & CULTURE SECTION, PAGE C19.

I cursed under my breath and began to flip through the thin pages, my feet already taking me out the door and toward what I was sure to be one of the most uncomfortable conversations in my adult life. 

[A/N: Thank you for reading! Please take a moment to VOTE & COMMENT on each chapter! 

I'm so grateful for all of the new readers joining this story and the loyal supports who keep coming back each chapter!  This week's gratitude shout outs go to @thasmiyabanu7, @ememobong23, @imperfectwords, & @2user38. ]

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