Chapter 72

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"Nope," I declared as I stared up at the wall of windows looming before us as Tom helped me out of the car. "Still not used to it."

"Maybe next time," Tom teased as he swiftly placed a kiss in my hair before closing the car door shut.

"And still could go for a stiff Guinness right about now," I muttered as he entwined his fingers with mine.

"It's been near on three weeks since The Reckoning. You have nothing to worry about, Ems."

'The Reckoning' was our code for the morning after our attending the Prime Minister's dinner party.

"If that were really the case," I contended as I struggled in my heels to keep up with his quick pace on the gravel drive. "Then why am I still constantly under chaperone supervision, hm?"

As Tom predicted, Cynthia had reworked the quote from my interview to become the foundation's unofficial tagline and in doing so made me the foundation's unofficial mascot.

"You're hot with millennials and they're the future donors that will decide whether Legacy Works has a legacy of its own," she had stated matter-of-factly as she typed away on her BlackBerry. "Besides, who doesn't love a power couple?"

Tom's only response had been to quip that I would need to call Trisha to let her know I'd be needing quite a few new outfits. Ignoring his snark, Cynthia agreed wholeheartedly. I didn't fight it, but rather to make matters easier, simply handed Cynthia one of Trisha's newly printed business cards.

Over the next three weeks, Cynthia had me booked for nearly every hour of the day. She would have booked me for more events if I hadn't insisted Tom and I share one meal together each day.

My only other request was that I still have time to visit with Alice.  As it were, I found time to stop by and see her nearly every other day if not every day.

Sometimes we worked on our story, sometimes we chatted, and sometimes we said nothing at all. Alice was by far the strongest young woman I had ever met, but she was still fighting a tough diagnosis with wicked treatments. Naturally, some days were better for her than others.

Other than making time for Tom and 'our girl,' as he had started referring to Alice, I'd given up total control of my schedule to Cynthia. Many of the events I attended with Tom, though others I attended with Cynthia or Margaret—or even sometimes Eliza.

While they all managed insane schedules of their own, somehow one of them always found time in their busy diaries to stand by my side at each of the events I was slotted to attend.

"Perhaps they enjoy your company," Tom suggested then with a hint of laughter.

I merely rolled my eyes.

"Last chance," Tom whispered, his hand already on the ornate doorknob.

Cowardly, I hesitated. "You sure they're alright with me coming tonight after all that's happened?"

Tom nodded his assurance. "Uncle Henry may still be out for my blood, but the rest of them will be on their best behavior. It's a birthday celebration after all."

I smiled down at the gift wrapped in colorful robot-patterned paper Tom held in his arms.

"Well if it's for a birthday," I retorted playfully. "Then we better get inside."

Tom grinned eagerly as he pushed the door open. Staring up at the cascading marble staircase before us, I smoothed out the skirt of my dress before taking Tom's hand in mine and stepping over the threshold.

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