Chapter 78

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I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing while Emma coached Youssef through the paparazzi line. It was hard to believe only a few months ago Emma had been unwittingly thrown into this world headfirst and now here she stood radiating at the center of it all like a natural born star.

The laugh did escape me in the end when the aide attempted to convince Emma to pose for some pictures alone. She refused, apparently deaf to the calls of the photographers. Did she even realize it was her name they were shouting, not mine?

The moment the words left her mouth, I could already begin to imagine Cynthia crafting "in this together" as the foundation's newest hashtag. Between Emma's ever-rising status and Cynthia's media know-how, I had no doubt it'd be trending by midnight.

Emma tugged suddenly at my elbow. "What are you smirking about, Tom?"

"Nothing," I chuckled. "Just enjoying being your arm candy is all."

She rolled her eyes but then directed her attention to the man at her other arm. As Emma launched into the next round of battle plans, my eyes scanned over the crowd gladly catching subtle glimpses of the additional security detail I had requested.

"Charlie!" Emma beamed as she dropped our arms to embrace my cousin. "It's been ages."

He squeezed her tightly in return, careful not to crush the silk petals on her dress. "You look breathtaking," he beamed down at her before glancing up and flashing a toothy grin between myself and Youssef. "Did I hear something about arm candy?"

Emma rolled her eyes. "Tom was being ridiculous."

"Our Tom? Being anything other than sensible? No," he gushed theatrically. "I don't believe it."

His eyes flicked over Youssef again and Emma, this time catching it, released Charlie to reach out for her friend.

"Charlie, let me introduce you to my good friend, Youssef. He's a brilliant writer and he's here as Tom and my special guest this evening."

"How special," he smirked.

"Youssef," Emma continued, decidedly ignoring him. "This is Tom's cousin, Charlie."

Youssef bobbed his head. "Your highness."

"Please none of that," Charlie frowned momentarily before reaffixing his hallmark cheeky grin. "Any good friend of Emma's is a good friend of mine."

Emma glanced between the two of them, her grin widening.

"Well," I said after a moment. "Shall I find us some drinks?"

Emma dropped her hand from Youssef's arm. "I told Matilda I would find her when we arrived."

"Good luck in this crowd," Charlie quipped as he nodded to the sea of bodies swirling around us.

Emma merely sighed. "I promised her."

Youssef nudged her softly. "Speaking of promises..."

"Tom will stay with you, and I'll be back as soon as I can," she assured him with a sincere smile.

"C'mon, mate," I sighed as I clasped him on the shoulder. "Champagne does wonders to calm the nerves."

He affixed a tight smile but nonetheless nodded in acquiescence.  Emma kissed us each on the cheek and, after Charlie whined about being left out, kissed him as well before disappearing into the flurry of the crowd.


"So, special guest?" Charlie asked over the rim of his glass.

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