Chapter 73

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"You have a habit of fidgeting when you're nervous, did you know that?"

"And you have a habit of teasing people, did you know that?" I grumbled as I shoved my hands into my sweater's large pockets.

Peter only chuckled.

"Aye, I've been told many times... Don't fret," he told me, his voice suddenly softer. "They'll come."

I worried my bottom lip as I peered out the front window from my seat behind the counter. "I don't know... Matilda wasn't altogether thrilled at the prospect."

Peter scoffed. "And how is a child supposed to foster a love of reading if their mother doesn't—"

"They're here!" I exclaimed standing up suddenly as a sleek black car slowly pulled up in front of the shop.

I leaped from my seat, but Peter gently caught my arm to prevent me from rushing to the door.

"Let them open it," he said with a wink. "Children always love the ring of the bell."

Sure enough, Francis and Lizzie's faces filled with glee as they pushed the door open and the bell hanging above clamored to life. They opened and closed the door several more times until their mother finally shuffled them inside.

"Alright, alright," she told them as she bent over to fuss over their coats.

I went over to help and Francis held his arms out as I worked the zipper. He let it drop to the floor and was about to scurry off when I handed his coat back to him before lifting him by the middle to reach the nearby coat rack.

He giggled and insisted on hanging his sister's as well. When he had, I introduced them to Peter who easily enticed them with a tour of his magic bookshop.

Matilda silently shrugged off her own coat and hung it by her children's. "Sorry we were late. André was supposed to join us but... something came up."

I shook my head but said nothing as I watched her walk further into the entryway, taking in the shop's interior.

"Cozy," she assessed with a nod. She glanced over her shoulder at me. "Is there anything breakable I should—"

"No," I laughed. "The shop may be magical, but it is definitely practical. No antique porcelain heirlooms here. Just lots of stories and comfortable reading nooks," I added with an affable shrug.

Matilda nodded and took a second look around.

"What's your genre of choice?" I asked as I stepped beside her.

"I don't read much," she mumbled, still looking about.

I didn't respond. I'd never really known how to respond when people said they didn't enjoy reading. It'd be like me saying I didn't enjoy breathing.

"You worked here?" She asked by way of making conversation.

I smiled at her effort. "Yes, during uni and a bit after. Peter took good care of me."

She nodded. "Seems like a lovely place to grow up."

"Remind me, you went to university at..."

"Oxford," she finished for me. She hesitated before adding: "That's where I met André."

My brows lifted. "And you've been together ever since?"

Her smile didn't meet her eyes. "Yes. We married shortly after graduation."

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