Chapter 45

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"Tom," I gasped as he crawled out from underneath the covers. "We need... To talk."

"I thought we just did," he grinned wickedly.

My cheeks burned as I sat up, wrapping the sheets tightly around my chest. "You know what I mean. If I'm going to stay here—"

"You are going to stay here," he interjected, tugging on the sheets to no avail.

"Then we need to discuss some things," I finished in attempted sternness.

Tom sighed as he raked his hand through his hair. "What's to discuss?"

"I have amendments to your..." I hesitated trying to find the right words, "suggested trial period."

Tom laughed as he flopped down so that his head rest in my lap. "Of course you do."

"And several stipulations," I added.

"Whatever they are, I accept."

He reached a lazy hand up to play with one of my curls but I swatted it away. "No, Tom. We're going to logical about this. That's the whole point of this agreement, to give us a shot while being rational about it."

Tom looked up, considering me. "And what exactly are your amendments?"

"Well," I blushed, "your original offer—"

"Your ability to avoid the word 'proposal' is impressive," he teased which only caused my blush to deepen.

I looked determinedly at the sheet covering my still flushed body. "—didn't stipulate several key components," I eventually managed.

"Such as...?" Tom teased as his hand languidly reached for another one of my curls.

I closed my eyes as his knuckle grazed the edge of my jaw in a gentle caress. "How much rent I should—"

"None, that's a non-starter. Next?"

I opened my eyes and took in his serious expression. His lips, despite still being slightly swollen, were set in a resolute frown. I sighed as I ran a hand through his tousled hair. "Tom—"

"Absolutely not."


"It was in the original terms—"

"Which I never agreed to!" I practically laughed.

"Emma, you're not paying me anything," he said before adding more bitterly: "You've lost enough from us being together as it is."

My expression fell at that as my hand slid to caress his cheek. "I lost my job, that's all. And besides knowing what I know now, Rufus and I were bound to come to a disagreement over ethical standards. It was just a matter of time."

Tom closed his eyes and turned into my palm. "You've lost your privacy too, though I promise I'll protect it as much as I can."

"I know you will," I murmured.

Tom sighed heavily and kissed my palm before pushing himself up to meet my eyes. "If this is a trial period, then we should make it as realistic as possible... so that you can be sure this is really what you want."

I silently nodded in agreement.

"And if we're married," Tom grinned slyly, "you won't be paying rent—"

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