Chapter 6

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He stood before a hospital, the place where he was asked to arrive. The hospital was in a chaos, which he discovered as soon as he entered it. A few doctors were being shouted at by their patient's guardians, while some patients were in quite a critical state to be argued about. The hospital was contracted with a pharmaceutical company that was supplied by a huge chemical industry and that was owned by none other than 'Jamal Mushtaq'. The batch of new medicines installed this time had gone through chemical alterations to achieve a new formula that had adversely affected all the patients administered with them. He was informed by the details by the strange call he had received earlier and could never be much happier to have a story much to his liking. He had been called to broadcast this chaotic situation live on his channel and for that he had already contacted his team.

He held his cross bag while walking in the busy corridor when his eyes paused on a familiar face. He tilted his head to see the face of the girl with short hair, carrying water in a jug and offering it to the patients sitting there. His eyebrows furrowed but before he could turn away to avoid her, she caught him looking at her and called out,

"Hey you, serial killer?" Some of the people stared at him after being called by such an alarming name, while he lowered his neck and sighed before turning around slowly with a fake smile.

"Yes, miss generator." He said with cheerfulness while the mysterious gazes turned into low pitched laughter.

She remained unaffected by people's attention as she put the jug aside and stepped over to him, "How come you're here and what was that the last night?"

"Well, first of all stop calling me serial killer or you'll get me arrested right here, my name is Farhan." He folded his arms on his chest while she blinked, "secondly I was just jogging around that night while you came in the way and lastly," he paused to lean in a little closer, "It's none of your business why I'm here." He paused again as he smirked, " I'm not gonna marry you."

Her eyebrows furrowed and she sniffed before turning away from him blabbering under her breath, "Some people are stupid enough to jog at night." When he went around to stand in her way, startling her.

"What did you just say?" he frowned but before she could respond Jawad arrived wearing his Hospital gown smiling over to her as she smiled too.

Then he looked at Farhan with a gaze he couldn't interpret, a strange emotion.

"Good to have you Mr. Farhan." Jawad held out his hand to him while he looked at it in confusion, "Do I know you?" he asked with a n eyebrow raised.

"I am the one who called you." He said with a smile and Farhan shook hands with him understanding, "Oh so you called me."

"Is your team here?"

"Would be here any minute now."

Jawad nodded as he pointed towards Hania who stood beside them in confusion, "This is Hania, she's my personal assistant, and a very brave fellow and you can ask her for her assistance during your work here."

As Farhan rolled his eyes Jawad looked at her, "Will you be alright with it?" to which she sheepishly smiled and nodded slightly, she could not just refuse to Jawad as he had given her a job though she did not qualify for it.

Soon the team arrived and they were about to start the transmission. His staff was busy setting the camera and lights while Farhan was testing the mic and the earpiece when he called out,

"Someone bring me the mirror." But while everyone was busy doing their part and Hania totally ignored her, he looked at her, "Hey you assistant." She had to turn around although she didn't want to.

"Bring me that mirror." He pointed towards where the mirror was kept and she gritted her teeth before moving over to him and held it so close to his face that his nose literally touched it.

"My name is Hania." She said in a grumpy tone.

"What are you doing? keep it at a distance from my face so that I can see how handsome I look." He teased her with the corners of her lips turning into a smile, while he brushed his hair with his fingers looking in the mirror.

She rolled her eyes, "Handsome my foot."

"I can hear you." He said before turning the mirror towards her, "Look at your face and see how funny it looks beside mine." He smirked and her mouth dropped open but before she could say something even worse to him he had stood right before the camera that was set to start the broadcast.


"Why was it just me you had to call for this story? Or let me put it this way, How did you know I wanted a story against Jamal?" Farhan asked as he leaned back in his chair looking at him curiously. Jawad and Farhan had arrived at a café after ending the transmission. Jawad asked Hania to come with the but she politely refused as she was late for home.

"So You knew Hania before, right?"

Farhan chuckled slightly, "That's not a good way to avoid a question, it only makes me think more suspiciously of you."

"Well that's not important unless we have a common interest." Jawad said tracing the rim of his glass of juice.


"If you'll excuse me, I need to use the restroom, I'll be right back." Jawad stood up calmly and left while Farhan folded his arms on his chest looking at him walking away, when he felt something vibrating. It was Jawad's phone that he had left on the table and he tried to resist a strong urge to check his phone because he couldn't stop himself thinking suspiciously of him.

He resisted for a few minutes and would never have touched his phone if the message received was not from a private number. He slid open his phone screen and his eyes went wide open. He stayed in shock for a few seconds and then he went scrolling his contacts for a number which he saved to his phone.

"Hello, is this Hania?"

"Yes. Who is this?" A hesitating voice came through his phone.

"I...I'm Farhan." He felt his voice stuttering.

There was silence for a few seconds, "Why did you call? And How did you get my number?"

"We...uhh...I..will marry you."

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