The Fight

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Chapter 2

Lauren POV

"Hey babe are you coming to bed." I asked she was just sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Lauren. I. I can't do this anymore." She said and I sat up.

"Can't do what perform? You love performing and meeting fans." I said trying to sit next her but she just got up.

"No I'm talking about us. This I can't do it anymore." She said going into the closet and getting a suitcase.

"What are you talking about you can't do this. Your leaving me and the girls?" I said almost crying. "Camz are cheating on me?" I asked my voice cracking.

"No Lauren. I just don't have the same feelings anymore. I was supposed to marry a man, have kids and live the perfect american dream." That broke my heart even more.

"But because I'm not a man and Jay and Chlo aren't your blood, your genes your leaving us. Camila blood doesn't make a family and neither does a piece of paper that says where going to be together forever. We decide that, not the government. Why can't you see that. I'm in love with you and I have been for six years." I said closing her suitcase. "You can't leave us Camila you can't. We promised those girls in there that they'll have 2 loving parents forever are you going back on that promise." I said not holding back any tears.

"Lauren can you move." She said and I moved and she put the rest of her things in her suitcase and left the room. She went into the supply closet and grabbed Chloe's suitcase.

"You're taking the girls to are you really gonna leave me alone." I said following her. The girls were asleep and I now had to be quite I sat in the doorframe crying watching her pack Chloe's bag. She took her suitcase and took it out to her car along with her suitcase. i followed her the entire time. She went into Jaliyah's room and kissed her head and said something. She wasn't taking Jaliyah and went to pick up Chloe and took her out to her car and buckled her up.

"Bye Lauren." She told me and I just shook my head I was fully crying. I'm truly heartbroken.

"Bye Camila." I said she drove off. I went into the house and sat on the couch and cried myself to sleep. The love of my life just left me.

Jaliyah POV

I woke up and the house was unusually quiet. Normally mama and mo are making breakfast and Chloe would have came in and woke me up. I walked out and seen mama on the couch sleeping. They must've had a argument last night. I got closer and the brim of his eyes where red like she's been crying. I walked back upstairs into Chloe's room and she wasn't there and most of her clothes where gone. I walked into mom and mama's room and her things weren't there either. I walked back into the living room and shook mama.

"Mama. Mama get up." I said and she slowly woke up. She's definitely been crying.

"Hey." She said her voice was hoarse.

"What's going on. Mom and Chloe aren't here some of there things are gone and your on the couch crying." I said and she took a long sigh I seen tears forming in her eyes. She sat up and pulled me on the couch with her.

"Mom left. She said this isn't what she wanted anymore so she took Chloe and left." She said about to cry all over again probably remembering last night.

"You just let her leave." I said slowly crying.

"I tried monkey. I tried so hard but she really wanted to go. What else could I have done? Locked her in a closet." She said now I was crying.

"You guys made a promise. You promised it was always going to be the 4 of us. You broke a promise. You didn't try hard enough to keep them here." I said and ran up to my room and locked the door and I heard mama calling my name. I sat against my door and brought my knees to my body and cried. I heard movement on the other side of the door.

"I know you can hear me. I'm sorry that we couldn't keep our promise. I really wanted them to stay but your mom she just. She said she couldn't have the perfect american dream being here with us. I know what your feeling right now and I'm sorry I didn't know what to do. I can make this promise and I know i'll keep it. Your all I have left so I am making this promise to you that i'm always going to be here for you." She said and I heard something slide across my wooden floor. It was her promise ring. "I want you to keep it as a reminder that I'll never let you down again." She said I put it on and opened the door and sat on mama's lap and cried. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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