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Maybe I should have done something - said something to stop her from falling into a black hole of misery and self loathing and regret. I knew what was going on and for the first time I was a step ahead of her. I never felt so much power - power to change someones direction in life. I wanted to say something but who was I - an idiot that sunk in the background and was only needed when a difficult task surfaced.

She was a nice girl and deserved all the best. Her boyfriend seemed like a match to everyone but me - me the person who knew what his plan was for her. I could have saved her poor pure soul but instead I stayed quiet and in favour of the boyfriend.

Looking back at it, all I did was pray to whomever listened, to prevent what was coming for the girl. No one answered or even listened for that matter and fate took control and the worst part was I let it. I could have turned fate around and stopped what happened to her but I didn't. I stayed put and just watched it all unfold just the way I knew it would.

I watched him strip everything that ever meant something to her away from her.I watched him rip every shred of dignity from her like a second skin. I watched him feed of her fear, and repeat the cycle. Over and over again. I watched him humiliate her in every way possible in front of everyone on campus.

I watched her fall apart and I, someone who had the power to prevent it, just stayed put and stared.

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