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Louis' POV

The boys and I entered the pub and ordered beers and some shots.

As soon as it is served to us, we just drink. No one is saying a thing.

Then I decided to break the silence


They looked at me

"The reason why Elle and I got back together is because she blackmailed me"

"What the...?" Liam said

"She found out about the contract and I don't know how. She used it against me, but I did not give in. Until she said that people will hate Macey and it'll prove that she is a gold digger and a famewhore."

They are just listening to me

So I continued "I can't do that to Macey. So I agreed to get back with Elle because I thought I was protecting her, but no. I was just hurting her. And I regret it."

"Then awhile ago when I dragged Macey, I was about to tell her that I want her back, but she did not let me speak, she started bursting out. She said that Elle told her that we are getting married and she ran away"

"Elle is insane!" Harry exclaimed

"Yeah. And then I saw Elle and I told her I am done with this, and she informed me again about the blackmailing shit. I told her that I don't care anymore because I just want Macey back"

"Do you really love Mace?" Zayn asked me.

"I do. I really really do. And lad, I'm sorry for punching you. I hated myself too much that when I saw you kissed her, I was blacked out and suddenly did that"

He chuckled "Yeah, I know you did not mean that"

"So what's your plan?" Niall asked me

"I think I should tell Simon about Elle so he can prevent her from showing the contract to the public. And I'll fix everything with Macey. I love her so much and I want us to be together again"

"That's my boy!" Liam said and we cheered

After many drinks, I can feel that I'm already really drunk.

I don't know what time it is but I feel like going to Macey

"I need to go lads! I have to see Macey" I stand up

Then Liam suddenly grabbed my hands "Not now, you're too drunk."

"No no, I mean I am drunk but I have to see her. I want to fix things between us now"

Harry sighed "We'll go with you bud"

Then I paid for the drinks and went out

"We can't let you drive alone, let's just use one car" Zayn said as he enter his car

As he drive I told them that I want to walk.

I want to feel fresh air. They all agreed. So we just parked Zayn's car in the management's and decided to walk

I can't walk properly. I feel dizzy and tripping.

"AHHH MACEEEEEEEY" I don't know what came to me but I just feel like shouting her name.

"Are you sure you want to go there? You're really drunk, man" Niall held me.

"I know, but she'll listen to my explanation. I know she will forgive me"

Yellow Pages ( Louis Tomlinson // One Direction )Where stories live. Discover now