Chapter 3

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Sebastian's POV:

It was another day in the stereotypical high-school cliche, with its classic cliques. There were the popular girls in their short tight miniskirts ending a few inches before their party lines. And there were the jocks with their varsity vests just barely tugged tighter over their muscular shoulders. Around every corner, you can find the school's top student ducking fast into their locker to escape their inevitable fate of a swirlie from the quarterback. 

Sebastian rolled his eyes as he slid his chemistry book from the rusted blue locker the school made him buy at the beginning of the year. Slamming the locker shut, he turned and leaned back against it. He watched the hundreds of students, who were moving, laughing, and talking through the hallways of the school building as if they were pond fish swimming through a river, and wondered when he would see the new girl he had met the day before. 

He recalled how her hair shimmered in the sunlight and her eyes gleamed in a rebellious manner back when he offered her his friendship. Sebastian smirked briefly to himself as he considered how Mystic was different from anyone he'd ever met. When Sebastian first saw Mystic from across the park, where he was lying casually on the park bench, he thought that she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, a fact that he maintained even though her band tee was wrinkled and her skinny jeans were ripped. Sebastian didn't have a choice but to become friends with Mystic. The way she held herself seemed to draw him in, and when he heard her delicate voice, it was like a spell had been cast on him. Sebastian wanted to meet her, regardless of whether or not, she'd like him or not.

He was used to making friends easily since they flocked to him like birds flying south for the winter. So he figured that Mystic, who'd firmly rejected his offer to become his friend, would be a great match for him. 

Sebastian was uncomfortable around the locals that continued to crowd him since the day he first moved to town two years ago.

The only person Sebastian wasted his time on in this godforsaken hell hole was his best friend, Alex Jones. With his piercings and tattoos, anyone could tell the duo was not to be messed with. This was what he thought when he'd first started hanging out with Alex. At first, Sebastian wanted someone who was like him – someone who rejected society's notions of how one should look; someone who understood how it felt to be different. When Sebastian told you Alex was gorgeous, you could trust what he said was genuine because  Sebastian is confident in his sexuality. 

After befriending Alex, it seemed that all the women wanted to get to know Sebastian and be his friend. It seemed strange as if bad boys get more women attracted to them than that of a local golden boy. Sebastian wasn't the physical type of guy to sleep with a girl and not to call her again, he preferred to smoke a marble 72' and drink alcohol while riding his motorcycle in a dark secluded alleyway before he was legally allowed to. Unless someone was disrespectful to him, he was never disrespectful to anyone. Sebastian often found himself cursing a little more than he should. Besides Alex, the only other people he'd occasionally hang out with were his twin brother Derek,  his girlfriend Kandee, and Steven.

So when Sebastian had finally met someone like Mystic, who immediately intrigued him, he became excited there'd be someone who'd finally be someone he could hang out with who was just like him.

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