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Three years ago

"Boss, you need to watch this." The man says coming into the office. He turns on the television and the news reporter is talking live.

"Suspected mafia boss, Kevin Walthrop was killed earlier today in a drive by shooting. The only witness to the attack was taken to the hospital and her condition is unknown. The police are keeping her identity a secret to protect her life."

"The boss is dead?" The first man that had been sitting at the desk says in shock. Kevin was not only his boss, but his best friend as well. Something had happened to him a few days ago and he'd changed, all the happiness he'd had since he started dating his girlfriend was gone. When questioned Kevin only said that he'd fucked up and she no longer wants anything to do with him.

Kevin had never told any of them her name and refused to have any body guards when he went out with her. It was dangerous, but he said that if he saw any he'd kill them. Aaron had had no choice but to pull them.

Now his boss is dead.

"Boss? What should we do?" the second man asks. Aaron was the second in command and now their leader.

"Find out all you can about the shooting. I want to know where and who and I want it yesterday. Also find out the name of the witness, maybe she'll be able to give us more information." Aaron orders it all so coldly. If he finds out the girl has anything to do with the attack she'll be just as dead as his friend.

"Yes, boss," the second man replies.

Aaron in anger slams his hands down on the desk and swipes everything off of it. All leads to the death of their old boss are gone. The officer that was first on the scene was killed shortly afterwards in a domestic dispute.

The drunken woman stabbed the officer when he tried to get her to put the knife down. She had already stabbed her husband. The officers partner shot and killed the woman. The officers notes about the drive by that killed Kevin, they were missing.

The report filed had missing information. The information Aaron desperately needs to find the killer(s).

They still don't know who the female witness is or where to find her.

It's been months.

"Boss?" Jake says coming into the room.

"What is it?" Aaron growls still frustrated that he can't bring justice to his friend. They still can't find the name of Kevin's girlfriend either.

"The shipment was hijacked, Mickey was killed as were all others except Peter. He's in surgery right now. The doctor isn't sure if he'll make it." The man says succinctly. Aaron in a bad mood is dangerous, add into bad news and you might not live to leave the room. The men had done paper, rock, scissors to see who would have to tell Aaron the bad news.

Aaron grits his teeth, "Get out!" Jake gets without a seconds hesitation. Those that hesitate are killed.

"How'd the boss take one of his lieutenants being killed?" Simon, one of the ones that did paper, rocks, scissors with him asks.

"Pretty good, he told me to get out." The others have to agree with him. When Aaron is in a really foul mood he just shoots and doesn't tell them to leave first. At least he usually takes his bad mood out on his lieutenants and not the lower men.

The men move away from the office. As they do so  they notice that the other lieutenants are heading towards the office. They give the men looks of sympathy. The lieutenants have looks of fear on their faces. They'd heard the news as well.

"I'm glad I'm not one of them," one of the men mutters and they all agree with him on that.

"How'd the shipment get taken and our men killed?" Aaron demands coldly of his men that reluctantly filed into the office.

The men look at each other and do their best to not look towards Aaron. They miss Kevin. They thought things would be easier with him gone and Aaron in charge, but things were far worse. Kevin was an angel in comparison to Aaron. 

They all wish that Kevin wasn't dead now.

"Find out where my shipment is and who took it. I want it back in my hands within twenty-four hours or Mickey won't be the only  lieutenant being replaced. Understood?" Aaron's voice is colder and more menacing than any of them had heard it since Kevin died.

They all find themselves swallowing hard trying to wet their throats enough to answer. "Yes, boss."

"Then get the fuck out of here and get to work!" Aaron yells and the others jump to do his bidding.

Later that night the shipment is found.

The men go in and kill all those that are there and secure their prize. "This one is still alive," one of the men says kicking one of the downed men.

"Secure him, let's give him to the boss to question. Maybe that will ease his anger towards us." the lieutenant in charge says.

There is fervent agreement from the others. They secure the man and call to have their men come to reclaim the shipment.

The one car drives off with the wounded man, the others don't dare leave the shipment until their people are there with the semi's.

They watch carefully as the trailers are hitched to the semi's and follow them out to their warehouse.

As the shipment is secured the men finally breathe a sigh of relief. "Damn, I wasn't sure we'd live to see the sunrise." One of them mutters and the others agree. "I'm ready to celebrate."

The other men brighten up at the idea. They make plans to change and meet up at their favorite club after reporting to Aaron.

Aaron listens to the report of his men and gives a tight little smile. "Very good. I'm sure that you all have plans. Go find some fun. There are some new strippers at the club I hear."

He looks at the faces of his men and gives a cold chuckle, "What? You didn't think I would figure out that you want to go have some stress relief? I have my own plans. Go, but make sure that you keep your guns close to you."

"Yes, boss," The men say quickly and head out.

Aaron watches the door long after the last of them are gone. 

The smile that slides onto his face would have terrified them had they seen it. It's just as well that they didn't.

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