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Kate talks to her brother for some time. He tells her things that even Aaron didn't, things about her life. When she's done she hands the phone back to Aaron and just lets the tears fall. It's all true. Kevin is dead and has been for three years.

A part of her is happy that he's gone. A threat to her life has been lifted. Then she feels a hollowness in her heart. 

She had known but something tells her that she hadn't completely gotten over what he did to her. How she is reacting to Aaron tells her that much. She feels fear, although now she doesn't believe that he'll hurt her, if only to avoid her brother killing him. Yet, she no longer is able to trust strangers or how she judges them. Kevin had, had her completely fooled. She never believed that to be possible, until it was proven to her.

Aaron keeps the door open as he goes to the hall to talk to Dustin Kerrington. He keeps a worried eye on her even as he talks about the contracts he wants out on his lieutenants.

"You want me to kill who?" Dustin says dazed at the offer from the Fire bird head. A slow smile spreads across his face. Finally a chance to take some revenge against those that hurt Kate.

"My lieutenants. I won't be able to stay hidden for long. I'll have to return tomorrow at the latest and I'll need to know that they aren't plotting something against me again. I'll pay half a million for each, I can wire half now and half when you finish." Aaron says coolly, the anger at the betrayal  burning in him. He'd do it himself, but he's in no shape to deal with the traitors.

"I'd do it for free." Dustin tells him gleefully. "How do you want it done?"

"It doesn't matter to me. I'll have to return  by ten tomorrow, so it needs to be done by then. Will that be a problem?" Somehow Aaron doesn't think it will.

Dustin can't help the snort that comes out, "Not hardly. I've been watching or having my men watch the moves of all your top men."

"And myself no doubt," Aaron says hiding the fear.

"No, actually I never thought you had anything to do with my sister or Kevin. At least not in any way that bothered me. I heard how upset you have been at not knowing who was responsible. Your men are absolutely terrified of you, you know that?"

"Not terrified enough, obviously." Aaron says angrily, but knowing that Dustin has never blamed him for what happened to either his sister or Kevin makes him breathe a bit easier now.

"Some men just don't understand the concept of loyalty. You want any of them alive?"

Aaron perks up a bit with that, "It won't be too difficult for you? I would prefer knowing if there are more traitors among my people, but I definitely need to get rid of the ones I know about."

"It won't be too hard. I'll just make sure my shot isn't a killing one. If he gets medical help soon enough he won't die." Dustin says flippantly.

Aaron normally doesn't like such attitude but in this case he finds himself smiling, "Too bad if he doesn't. Just send me the information on where to wire the money. As soon as I get it I'll send the money to you."

"No need, I told you I'd do this one for free," indeed Dustin is already starting to check and load his weapons. He knows where at least two of them are right now. Damn he loves his job.

"Just give me a damn number," Aaron is getting angry now. If he doesn't make a real contract then he won't be able to protect Dustin.

Dustin hesitates in his packing, "Why the insistence, Fire bird?"

"It's the only way I'll be able to protect you. You taking the money is a contract between us. Without it, it's you going out after my men and they will come after you. Kate has suffered enough, she doesn't need her brother dead as well."

Dustin snorts, "Like you give a damn about my sister. You've barely even spoke to her..."

Aaron breaks into Dustin's tirade, "Kevin hurt her. He hurt her in ways I never thought he could to someone he loves. And he loved her.

"The reason Kevin never introduced her to us is because he was afraid I'd go after her. Kevin and I have very similar tastes in women. I never would have, I don't poach what belongs to other people, but Kevin was waiting until the wedding to share her with us.

"I may not know her, I know I'll never know the person before Kevin hurt her, but one thing I do know-if Kevin loved her then it's very likely I will as well. 

"I don't want her harmed any further than she already is. I hope that she will remember soon so she will be able to resume her life. 

"I know that she won't want anything to do with me, so once she leaves, I won't bother her. I just need to know one thing," Aaron can't leave it alone he has to know.

"What's that, Shapiro?" Dustin lets a warning come into his voice.

"Is her son safe?"

"Ahh, the reason for the call. I'm sorry, I can't tell you anything about her son. She is willing to give up her life for him, to keep him safe, just forget you ever saw him."

"Thank you," Aaron says softly.

"I'll get the traitors by noon tomorrow. I'll call back this number unless I'm told otherwise. I'll send my account information once we finish." Dustin smiles, he likes Shapiro far more than he ever liked Kevin. Too bad his sister will never give him a chance, not after what Kevin did.

He hangs up his phone and sends the info to Shapiro. Then he happily gathers his weapons and checks on his nephew one last time. He gives him a kiss before heading out.

"Where are you going?" Angela demands coming out of the kitchen.

"Shapiro just called, well rather Kate called and I talked to Shapiro. Kate's fine," Dustin says with a little smile on his face. "Shapiro gave me a job." Just then a text notification comes in. He opens it and smiles broadly. "I have some traitors to kill. Then perhaps Kate will be willing to come home again."

Angela smiles at the thought. Then frowns, "I don't think so. Mr. Shapiro saw and recognized Jesse. He knows who his father is. I doubt she'll come home if it will put Jesse in danger like that."

Dustin smiles enigmatically and just says, "We'll see." Then he kisses Angela and heads out the door humming happily.

It's about time for his men to check in with him. When they do he smiles even wider. Not just two but three of the men he's hunting are there tonight.

Dustin drives to the club and waits for just the right time. He takes out the first one in the bathroom, the second in the corridor to the backroom and the last one after he gets finished with the stripper.

Whistling happily he heads back home. He sends a text to Aaron telling him that three are dead and he'll get the last one at lunch. 

The last one, like clockwork eats lunch at the same time and place every day, no matter what is going down. Unless he's detained by the boss. He knows that he won't be this time.

Aaron reads the text message and smiles. He thinks that he'll invite himself to have lunch with the man marked for death.

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