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Kate has plenty of time to think. She finds that she can't sleep and doesn't want any drugs to help her do so either. She lays in the dark thinking about everything that's happened to her in the last three years.

What does she want to do now that the past is finally closed?

She is awakened from the fitful doze she had finally fallen into when she hears the sound of her son's happy squeal. She smiles and slips her legs off the bed and scoops her son up into her arms and holds him tight.

He holds onto her just as tightly. "Mommy, the house is goneded. I'm living with Aunt Angela now. Are you going to live with her too?" During his little talk he doesn't let his mother go.

"No, right now I'm living here and you'll be coming to stay with me until I'm ready to leave. How does that sound?"

"Really?" Jesse's eyes are big and round. He thought the house was a castle when they came up to it.

"Really," Aaron says from the doorway before Kate can answer him.

"Jesse, I want you to meet a friend of your father's. This is his house we live in."

Jesse looks at the man in front of him, "You knew my father? You know what happened to him?"

"Yes, to both questions," Aaron replies then looks at Kate in a panic. He doesn't want to tell her son anything she doesn't want him to know about.

"It's okay, he knows his father was killed." Kate tells him softly and the panic leaves Aaron's face.

"Your father was talking to your mother when some of his men betrayed him and killed him." Aaron tells the young child and then looks at Kate to make sure he didn't screw up.

"Who was my father? Mom never tells me, she says it's a secret." Jesse innocently asks the man that could order his death.

"He was my best friend," Aaron hesitates then when he sees Kate nod he continues, "his name was Kevin. He would have loved you if he had, had the chance to meet you." Aaron tells him.

Aaron couldn't believe it when Kate had asked for permission for her son to join her here. He didn't think she would ever trust him enough to be around her son. He was more than willing to allow Jesse to come. He hopes that Kate will allow him to be a part of Jesse's life, even if only in an uncle like capacity.

Kate is sitting out on the patio just watching the stars and thinking about the only real choice she has. Dale is growing impatient with her and she has to give him her answer tomorrow. They all know what her answer will be, but it's not something she's looking forward to.

"Kate?" Aaron says coming outside. He doesn't want to startle her. She seems to have accepted him and he's thankful for that. He doesn't want to jeopardize anything with her.

Kate gives a little shudder, "I'm sorry, Aaron, I was lost in thought." Kate gives him an apologetic look.

Aaron gives her a small smile and is careful to keep distance between himself and Kate as he goes to sit near her.

"Anything I can do to help?"

Kate frowns and shakes her head. "No, I'll be leaving tomorrow. Dale is growing impatient and I'll need to take over soon."

"Kate, there is something I need to talk to you about. The tensions between the Fire birds and the Pistols needs to be cooled down."

Kate takes a deep breath, "Yeah, I know. Ever since Kevin attacked me things have gotten bad. You have any suggestions?"

Aaron mumbles, "One." He doesn't continue though.

"Well that's better than what I have. Let's hear it."

"It was because of what Kevin did that things became bad. I honestly thought he loved you, but the more I think about it the more I have to wonder. He acted so out of character with you..."

"After he started hitting me, I realized that he didn't really love me. It was all an act in order to get the Pistols." Kate wipes her tears away. She doesn't understand why she's so unlovable.

"I know that we haven't known each other for long, so please bare with me and hear me out completely before you answer." Aaron forces the words out.

"Okay," Kate says giving him her full attention.

"I propose an alliance. I know that it will be a marriage of convenience and we won't have any intimacy unless you wish for it. I would like to date you as we prepare for the wedding. I can't say that I love you and I know that you don't love me, but I do know that I like and respect you. I hope that you can say the same. If you do, then I hope you will at least consider this alliance."

"How would you like to deal with the Pistols then?" Kate asks him, not shooting down the idea completely.

"They will remain under your control unless you wish otherwise. The same for the Fire birds. If something should happen to one of us then the other would take control of both the gang and the mafia. I propose that Jesse will be heir to both, as is proper."

"I see, and if I accept will you be with other females?" Kate asks that part acidly.

"I hope that in time you will allow intimacy between us, but I realize that Kevin might have ruined that possibility. If at the end of a year, you still are unable to have the desire to be intimate with me, then yes, I will be with others. But, you will be the only one I'll have children with. So if you are unable to accept me in your bed, then Jesse will be your only child and mine."

"I see," Kate says softly. Really he is being very generous on the terms.

"I will never bring them to our house, or have them be anywhere around you. I will do my best to respect you as much as I can." Aaron is miserable. He's sure that she will turn down the alliance now.

"And if I am able to be intimate with you?" Kate demands, watching him closely.

"Then there will be no other women." Aaron reassures her. "I wouldn't do that to you. I hope that you are able to accept me, because I would very much like to have several children and would like you to be their mother." Aaron blushes and is glad that it's dark out. Why in the hell did he have to go and say that?

"I see," Kate says a little taken aback by his boldness, but she gives him a small smile.

Aaron gets up to go back into the house, "Aaron, could you do something for me?" Kate asks him and he immediately stops.

"If I can, it's yours."

Kate stands up and faces him, "Would you kiss me?"

Aaron is shocked and doesn't immediately respond but then smirks, "Gladly." He moves to her carefully making sure that she's okay as he nears her. He gently holds her face in his hands and lowers his mouth to hers.

Kate immediately responds and Aaron deepens the kiss.

The kiss ends and they are both panting for breath. "I don't think I'll have too much trouble accepting you into my bed. It might take me some time, but I think..."

Aaron smiles a genuine smile, and slowly lowers his head down for another kiss. Kate doesn't move away.

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