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The two take seats where they will be able to see the entire restaurant. Aaron made sure of that when he talked to the  hostess. Kate saw him slip her some money and was more than a little amused. She thinks that the hostess would have done it without the money by the way she keeps staring at Aaron.

"Won't your man recognize you?" Kate asks worriedly. She doubts that she is well enough known to be recognized and it really wouldn't matter if she was. It does, however, matter if Aaron is sighted.

Aaron shakes his head. "He never comes into the restaurant far enough to look at the customers. Go ahead and select something for lunch, the food here is really good."

Aaron already knows what he wants and waits patiently for Kate to select her food. Soon enough they have their drinks and food before them. They talk quietly between themselves and enjoy the food. Just as they are finishing Aaron receives the signal they'd been waiting for. They look at Jerus and are just in time to watch as he clutches his shoulder and falls forward.

There is no screaming or panic from any of the diners. Jerus had been eating in the outdoor patio and so there was no reason for it. The waiter goes to him and asks if he needs help. They watch as the waiter turns white and waves frantically to a coworker. He sets Jerus upright and hands the man a cleaning rag.

Jerus takes the rag and places it on his wound. Shortly the sound of an ambulance is heard.

"That will be my men, they'll be taking him to our medical facility. I have already called ahead and have men waiting to restrain him when he shows up. Doctor Davison will remove the bullet and sew him up. He'll be waiting for me, when I make my triumphant return." Aaron tells her in an undertone as they both watch the EMT's load up his injured man.

The next time they look up they find a smirking Dustin, "Hello, Buttercup."

"I told you I wasn't Buttercup. Your sister fits that profile far better than I do." Aaron says in irritation.

Dustin ignores him and goes over to Kate, "How are you doing?" He asks after giving her a hug.

"Fine, that was fine work. No one even panicked when he fell over." Kate keeps her voice low, she doesn't want anyone to over hear her.

Dustin smirks, "I know. This way Aaron here gets to have some one on one time with him."

Dustin looks at his phone as he receives a notification. He nods politely to Aaron. "My boss misses you, Kate. He wants to know when you are going to let him retire."

His words make Kate wince as she's hit with a massive headache.

"Kate?" She hears both her brother and Aaron ask her but their voices sound so far away. She doesn't understand why they sound so far away.

Aaron throws some money on the table, more than enough for the meal and a tip. Dustin picks his sister up and carries her to Aaron's vehicle. He gets in the back holding onto his sister as Aaron sets off as fast as he can to where the doctor will be.

Kate wakes up and finds Dustin on one side of her and then she finds Aaron on the other side of her.

She feels like an army has taken up marching inside her and groans in pain.

"Kate?" Dustin says worriedly.

"Dustin, what the hell happened?" Kate asks holding her head in between her hands, putting pressure on her temples in a vain attempt to stop the stomping feet inside.

Aaron helps her sit up and Dustin holds a cup to her lips and she drinks the cool water. Perhaps it doesn't take the headache away but it does help her dry throat.

"What do you remember?" Dustin asks carefully.

"Aaron and I were at the restaurant watching you at your preferred job. You shot the man without any panic and then you came in to talk to us."

Dr. Davison comes in after that. "How's your head feeling now?"

"Fine, I guess, if you consider having a herd of elephants stomping inside your head fine."

The three men chuckle lightly at her description. They've all been in her position for one reason or another.

Kate gives them all baleful looks before closing her eyes to the light.

"Dustin, how's my baby?" Kate asks suddenly and all movement stops.

The doctor looks confused, he didn't know about any child, but the other two exchange looks.

"Kate, what year is it?" Dustin asks after swallowing to wet his throat.

"It's 2018, of course." Kate still has her eyes closed against the glare of the lights and so misses the looks shared between the three men in the room. "Why?"

"Because for the last few days you couldn't remember the last three years." Dustin replies to her pained question.

That makes Kate look at them with confusion. "I helped Mr. Shapiro to his car. His man was behind me, holding a gun I believe." Kate looks at Aaron and rolls her eyes, "Then I don't really remember much. I woke up in a strange room with another big ass headache.

"I remember I requested to go to the lunch today to watch you work, but I don't remember much else." Kate tells Dustin and more or less ignores Aaron. She doesn't like having guns pulled on her especially when she was trying to help him.

"Well, Miss Kerrington, it seems that headache comes from your mind letting your memories free once more. You'll likely remember all the little bits and pieces eventually." The doctor tells her pleased. He gives her some pain meds then leaves the trio alone.

"Miss Kerrington, I do apologize for how you ended up in my care. You are free to go now, either with your brother or as I promised, I'll take you where ever you wish and drop you off." Aaron hands her an envelope then stands up. "You are welcome to remain at my home for as long as you wish. I'll leave you now so that you can talk things over with your brother."

Kate watches minutely as Aaron walks towards the door. She opens the envelope and finds it full of money and a note. Reading it she falls back onto the bed. Only then does she clue in to what her brother is saying.

"I have to say, you looked happier today at the restaurant with him at your side than I've seen in a long time, sis. You should give him a chance if he takes it."

"He's Fire bird, he could do a lot better than a broken woman, Dustin. Now answer my question, how's my son?"

"He misses you. If he's not crying he's sitting at the window waiting for you to come home. I know you think you are helping him, but he needs his mother."

"I need him too. I didn't think it would be this hard to be away from him."

Dustin looks at her with hope, "Then you will come home with me?"

Kate shakes her head, "I don't have a home anymore. I need time to think about what I want and need to do. Where I need to go."

"And Jesse?" Dustin is getting a little angry at this point.

"Bring him here, I need him too." Kate's words mollify Dustin's anger and the two talk about how things have been going.

"The boss wants you to take over now, Kate. He wants to retire." Dustin tells her finally.

"I see, I'll think about it. Tell him I'll let him know by the end of the week."

"Kate, that's tomorrow." Dustin says in amusement.

Kate closes her eyes, she has really lost track of time. "Tell him I'll let him know by Monday."

"I will, now you should get some sleep." Dustin gets up and makes sure the lights are off as he leaves the room. He doesn't envy his sister the choice she has to make. She doesn't like this life, but she's damn good at it. Even better than he is. The men respect her and no little fear her, but in the end they also love her. They will do everything they can to protect her.

When all is said and done, Kate will really have little say in whether or not she takes over. All she gets to do is choose whether it's willingly or unwillingly. Something inside her won't let her do a half assed job either.

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