~Ze d a t e~

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Ah yes, here I am.

With Max.

And this date? Oh hohohoho how wrong I was.

Sure this still may be a date but why here? In this place?

"Max why the hell did you choose to have our date at Chuck E Cheese?"

I asked, growling softly and resting my fingers on my temple.

"Well because one, we can torment the rat, and two... uh, we can torment the fucking rat."

Wow this time he didn't notic-

"And it's daddy to you, Y/N."

Fucking h e l l dude.

"Well anyways, where the hell is this rat at- oh my fuckin-"

"HEY HEY HEY KIDS! IT'S ME, CHUCK-E THE MOUSE!" The thing yelled, while all the kids began jumping up and down in joy.

"Fuck me in the ass and call me a bitch, that shit is scary." I mumbled, clinging to Max.

"For fucks sake Y/N only I can do the fucking around here~"


"Like this."

He stuck the middle fingers up at the rat and took his soda, throwing it at the poor man in the suit.


"Did you just sWEAR in front of my damn children?!"

I turned around and stared at the mob of angry parents, stifling my laughter.

"Get the rat!"

And that's when me and Max left, but not before taking a video while chanting Worldstar.

Remember how I said that date was not really a date? Well, it still wasn't. But it was better then any other day I've ever lived to see.

That's what I told Max.

"You see Y/N, I really am the best, huh?"

He asked, smirking proudly as he continued walking me home.

"Yep, you sure are of course."

He looked down at me and picked me up, hugging me tightly.

"You're tolerable, L/N."

"The feeling is mutual, daddy."

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