Chapter 1

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You were a bright student and everyone knew it. Most of the time you were keeping the brain of your to yourself and worked alone on projects that were meant to be group projects, but the teachers always let you. They knew the second you handed in your first assignment in high school that you would become a great gift to the world of technology one day. You didn't know what you wanted to do. So you just went with whatever the teachers and your parents told you. Your mother was talking about space programs while your father talked about the future of androids. You didn't have much of an opinion on any of it but ended up on one of the finest universities for robot science.

You did what you were told and handed in the most amazing projects until one day you stood with the description of your final project that would force you into thinking for yourself for once. You had to figure out what you wanted to write about and later create; it just needed to be relevant for your education. That's when you knew that you wouldn't be a part of it. You had seen some of the androids that were created in some scientist image and how close they were related to real humans. But as soon they showed any kind of malfunction, they were trashed like they were a piece of garbage. You knew that everything and everyone should have a second chance; therefore you gave yourself a second chance. You dropped out of the university that was ready to send you to either NASA or Cyperlife. Two corrupted companies that didn't think about anything but money. You didn't want your skills to be used for anything they could come up with. Your parents were furious and disowned you. Your mom was even crying because of the waste of space you were saying you were ungrateful for everything they did for you.

Was it ungrateful because you wanted to think for yourself for once? You didn't feel the need to be the next Bill Gates, Elijah Kamski or Jeff Bezos. You liked what you were doing and the fact that you were good at it, but you hated that you were forced. That was not a good motivation. So you moved to the State of Michigan which was one of the most tecnological advance states in the US. It was exactly the place that you parents wanted you to go, they wanted you to go to CyperLife, but it was on your grounds and not theirs.

You got yourself a shitty office job and bought a little house in the suburban of the city. It was one of those few places that still had a little backyard to it with a single tree that was barely alive. You didn't have much money to decorate your house at first but when the paychecks started to come you bought parts to different machines that people threw away out on the streets for the garbage man to collect later.

One of your colleagues, James, was very interested in your work and you invited him over sometimes. With times you had made the small basement into your own little mechanical lab where you fixed stuff for others. It started with James that camp over with one of his screens that didn't react to his voice anymore and wouldn't turn on. The TV was an older model but still one made by a company under CyperLife, so you knew exactly how to handle it.

"You are pretty good with those things, you know. I haven't been her for more than half an hour." James said and sipped the beer he had helped himself to as soon he got inside your little home. James was an ok friend to have. He wasn't very tall or wide, but still kind of masculine to look at. He had some piercing blue eyes and always dressed nicely even though it wasn't the most important positions the two of you had in the company.

"Thanks but this is a very old model. Even you should be able to fix this one." You said with a smirk and he rolled his eyes.

"If I was as talented as you I wouldn't be stuck in a job like mine. I would totally go to cyperLife and get a real paycheck. One of those that give you a really nice apartment in the middle of the city with a nice view to a part or something. And I would totally build myself a hot android chick that would do everything for me." He said dreamingly as you secured the back cover with a small screw.

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