Chapter 4

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Luckily for you James didn't talk about it any further. It went back to normal; well, as normal it could be with you still having Deviants running to you. You started to gather more and more information from them and where some of them might have found your address. The androids talked more and more together and there was a short list going around online that only androids could access with the names of people that could help them. The list was only getting longer and therefor you got less androids and more time to actually hang out with James too. You started to see the big picture; how the androids started to feel like you and it only warmed your heart that some of them showed so much kindness and greetfulness towards you. Some talked about falling in love and others told about how afraid they were, but all they wanted was the chance to be alive and not shut down as soon someone found them. It was all kind of androids: cashers, housemaids, security guards and drivers. You understood more and more what was going to happen and you felt much lighter when a female android told you that some of those you had helped were starting to steer up some things that would benefit their course. That meant that you hadn't just kick out those androids in the middle of a city without any hope. They found what they were looking for, they found Jericho.

"Miss y/l/n." You heard someone say as you lucked up your door at home. You should think that you were used to getting surprised when you got home and found an android in your garden, but you spun around because you were shocked to hear that voice again.

"Connor! Hey, I didn't see you." You said, trying to calm yourself by laying a hand on your chest to make your heart stay in place.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. I just wanted to check if everything was alright here." He said and came up to you. You unlocked the door and invited him in. You hoped for the love of god that there wasn't hiding any androids in the backyard but wouldn't Connor have noticed that while waiting?

"Have any androids tried to contact you on this address since last we saw each other?" He asked and took a seat on your couch. You found a glass of water to yourself before sitting down next to him. It was kind of strange to have this stiff android next to you. You have become use to the deviants that was moving around like a human would. Connor sat there with both legs perfectly aligned on the floor when his hands resting in his lap with the palms facing down.

"Not that I have noticed." You lied and sipped your water so you didn't have to look at him.

"I see. And have you repaired any androids in your basement lately?" He asked. You looked at him but you could read him. Was it a trick question? Was he going to arrest you now that the lieutenant wasn't with him?

"I ermh.. Yeah... A few. Not as many as I use to though." You said, thinking of how the numbers as deviants had dropped in your part of town now that there was a bigger support of their actions.

"Why haven't you eating enough then?" Connor asked you with the same polite smile he was always sporting.

"Excuse me?" You frowned at him and you could almost see how embarrassed he became. Wait... Did he feel embarrassed? Feel? He shifted a little and the unnatural way he was sitting was replaced by a slightly more human looking pose.

"I am sorry if I'm making you feel uncomfortable with my knowledge. I just detracted a dehydration of your skin the last time I was here and the exhaustion that was visible on you were not only because of the lack of sleep but also the lack of food. I must admit... I... I was a little concerned about your health." While muttering the last sentence his LED flashed a dangerous red but went into a permanent yellow. You were amazed how much he had paid attention to you. Did he scan everyone like that?

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