Chapter 9

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 This time you called in at work and they weren't happy with you. You texted James about the situation and he was willing to talk with the boss for you, but you felt that he didn't fully understand why you needed to do this and why you wanted to risk your job. There were hundred other people that would gladly take it in a heartbeat. But you just couldn't live with the way that it ended with Connor the day before. You may have said that you were heading to the station to make sure that he didn't report you, but you also knew that now you had met Connor, you had a hard time getting him out of your head. Sure he was a handsome face but he was designed like that. But the way he acted with kindness towards you and opened up to you... It was really something special coming from someone like him. An android fighting against himself, but totally forgot about it the second he was with you. He dared to show who he really was which was the complete opposite of any other guy that had ever tried to get near you. The fact that Connor didn't even know about what he was doing to you, just made it so much more real.

You parked next to the station and took one last shaky breathe before entering the building. You asked the android lady at the front desk to speak to Hank Anderson but at first you were denied.

"Please, can't you send him a message that I'm here? He wants to see me. I promise." After your talk with Hank the day before you were sure that he would let you in the office area.

"I'm sorry, but I think him and his partner are on their way out. You may catch them here tomorrow." The android lady said with a formal tone. She didn't for one second look away from you while speaking but there was something there. A spark in her eyes. You reached across the counter and laid a hand on hers. She looked down on your hand and she looked confused but also alarmed. That was not android behaviour. That was deviant.

"Will you please let me in? This is about the deviant cases and he knows I'm on the deviant's side. I just want to make sure that my name isn't going to be reported anywhere." You whispered to the woman and you saw how the LED on her temple flashed yellow. You looked her straight in the eyes with a look you hoped showed how serious you were about this. She pulled her hand away from underneath yours and put it neatly in her lap.

"You will find Anderson's desk through the door and in the office area to the right down the hall." She simply said and looked down like she was ashamed. Poor woman. You nodded as goodbye and went to search for Hanks desk.

You never reached his desk as him and Connor came walking the opposite direction. They were indeed on their way out. You watch how Connors face went from surprised to a smile when you caught his eyes. But again was it like a switch was turned off his face went back to a blank expression. Hank on the other hand smirked at you and when you reached them you were surprised by him when he reached one arm around your shoulder and gave you a small squeeze.

"Y/n. What on earth are you doing here?" Hank said, but with a kind tone of voice.

"Hank we are on our way to investigate a case. We don't have time to talk." Connor interrupted before you answer Hank. You immediately felt down. You had hoped that there would be just a bit left of the Connor that had visited you all those times. The one that could recognize and help you with what was brewing inside of you. You stepped away from Hank and looked at everything else in the hall, than Connors eyes.

"I don't want to bother you if you are in a hurry. But I really hoped that I could talk with you Connor."

"I... don't see what there is to talk about. We have clear your name from the investigation. You are no longer a part of this." Connor spoke with a little hesitation but those words didn't give you peace at all.

"I don't want you to hate me Connor." You said and closed your eyes. You didn't want to look at him if he chose to spear you down with more rejection words. You gasped when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You breathed out sharply before looking up at Connor that was standing right in front of you now. His face hadn't changed but his voice was gentle.

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