Chapter 7

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You went with Markus and the other androids back to Jericho. Most of them just ran and left you behind with Markus. It was hard to keep up with the androids as they didn't get exhausted. Markus had been patient with you and didn't complain when you slowed down. As you reached the harbour and you saw the giant rusty container ship you were a bit disappointed. You didn't know what you had expected but you had hoped for something a bit more... more?

Androids sat all around, some needed to be tend to and others just looked afraid. The smell inside the old ship was intense and now you knew where Markus jacket had the smell of diesel from. It was mostly dark but they had lit a few fires in old oil barrels. It was a sad sight and you understood even more why they fought to get their freedom if Jericho was the only safe place to call home. You helped a few androids stop bleeding with the little supplies they had before Markus told you it was time to return to the city. He didn't dare to near the area where you left your car, as the police would be everywhere. He led you to a train station and gave you a small hug before he left.

"Your jacket." You reminded him and reached it too him. He took it but let it hang over his arm instead of taking it on.

"Thanks for everything, y/n." he said and nodded at you.

"Don't make it sound like we won't see each other again." You said and you could feel the tears start to well up in your eyes. You tried your best to blink them away, but they just started to run down your cheeks.

"hopefully I will see you soon." He simply said and turned around and walked away. As you were left alone on the station in the middle of the night, all the memories of the same night's activities seems to creep in on you. You could not stop thinking back to when Connor was having a minor breakdown on your couch and how you had hold each other like your lives depended on it. You could use Connor right in this moment. It would be nice to hold on to someone that would understand you. But... would you even be able to tell him? He was a deviant hunter at its finest. He was working against everything you worked for. You should actually be enemies, but just the thought of him made you feel a little warming in the snowy weather. As you boarded the train and you were high speed nearing the other end of the city you realized that you were shaking and you needed to get home soon. It wasn't just for the snow that was soaking your clothes but also the events that you wanted to forget. All the lifeless faces lying around in front of your feet only few hours before.

It wasn't until you got home that you let the tears run. Even though you felt so weak, you didn't want to show it if there were an deviant hiding away on you property. They didn't have to know about what you had seen. When they got to you, they were all so full of hope for the future. They could get those kind of news when they were safe in Jericho.

You threw your wet clothes around the living room, not caring about anything, before you went to your room and buried your head in your pillow. You tried your best to close out every emotion and just let the exhaustion overtake you and sleep. The extra energy you had used to fall asleep was enough for it to go faster.


You woke up to a crash of glass and bang of something hard hitting the floor. You shot up and were about to get up and see if someone was breaking in, but you stopped yourself before you did the most stupid thing you could have done. Walk right into the arms of someone wicked-minded enough to break in when it was light outside. And the fact that you were only in your underwear, made you an easier target for anything uncomfortable.

You slid down from the bed in a slow and silent motion and crawled under it and moved a few show boxes to the side in the process. You started to shake immediately but you tried your best to keep your panicked breathe in. You heard someone running around your house opening doors and it didn't take long for the person to get to your room. The door was smashed open and it hit the wall with such a force that you weren't sure it was still intact. The person stopped a few steps inside the room. You could see the person's neat shoes. Not the shoes you would think a burglar would wear. But who knew these days. There were a lot of different people that were unemployed because of the advance androids that were build, so maybe it would be someone rich suddenly becoming desperate enough to break into people's houses?

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