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"The news is worse than we expected."

Dr. Anne began, my mother's grip on my wrist tightening. We had waited patiently in the room for twenty minutes as Dr.Anne saw to an emergency. I knew that the treatment of my cancer wasn't working. I knew that unless a miracle happened that I would not be cured. Frankly, I was not optimistic. The room was bright yellow, the color of hapiness and optimism, and it made me want to vomit. I despied how they tried to make places like this so cheerful when in reality, everyone who sat in these very chairs was on death's doorstep.

"I hate to have to tell you this,Margo, but we believe you may not have much longer to live."

My mother let out a sob. I felt all of the air escape my lungs. I felt as if I was drowning. Dr.Anne's words were the cement block chained to my leg, sending me down to uncharted territory and darkness, the bottom of the ocean. 


        I entered the shop wanting to clear my head. It was one that I had always visited after I received my allowance in high school or had a bad day. The shop's atmosphere had a way of making me feel better, through bad breakups and failed exams. I walked through the sections of records and cd's picking out a few discounted vinyls to purchase. My hands were still shaking from my visit to the doctors. I walked towards the coffee counter, ordering my regular. It was quiet odd for there to be a coffee counter at a record shop, but I never questioned it. The coffee was average, the prices were cheap, and that was all that mattered to me. The boy who took my order was new, he had a wide smile that made me jealous. His hair was messy ,but stylish and his eyes mesmerizing. If I hadn't just received the worst news in my life, I probably would made an attempt to get to know him or at least introduce myself, but I was going to die. What was the point? I sat on the small couch near the counter, waiting patiently before my name was called.


The boy looked over at me, my coffee in hand. I walked over to the counter, waiting for the boy to hand me my drink. He reached out his arm, his grip on the cup must have been too tight because as I went to grab it the hot liquid flew onto my shirt. The boy stood frozen, a stunned look on his face. I felt the tears begin to cascade down my cheeks. I had remained strong during the appointment, but I knew I couldn't hold it in much longer. So, apparently having boiling hot coffee spilled on me was my breaking point.

"I'm so sorry. Shit.. I'll make you a new one..I'm so sorry."

The boy stuttered, starting to wipe up the coffee with napkins. He glanced up at me, his facial expression going from upset to mortified.

"Wait are you crying? Oh no.. I'm so fucking sorry-..I didn't mean to-"

He stammered, reminding me of a deer in headlights. The napkins in his hand were soaked with coffee, dripping down onto the counter and creating a puddle.

"It''s not your fault."

I mumbled, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"I spilled the coffee on you. I'm so sorry"

He said, thinking I was crying because I was covered in coffee. I wanted to tell him the real reason, but he was a stranger who probably couldn't care less anyways. I picked up the, now empty, paper cup and set it upright. 

"It's fine. I'm just going to go."

I pointed towards the door and turned to walk away leaving the boy to clean up his coffee mess.

"At least let me get you a shirt from my car, one that's coffee stain free."

He bargained, a sympathetic look on his face.

"Really, it's fine."

I answered, heading towards the door. He jumped swiftly over the counter and jogged in front of me. I followed him outside watching him turn the corner. I didn't want a new shirt, I just wanted to go home. I started walking down the sidewalk when the boy reappeared, a tee shirt in hand. 

"Please just take this. There's a staff bathroom you can change in back at the shop. I can at least pay for those records you picked out?"

The boy reached his arm out, offering me the tee shirt, standing in front of me with a puppy dog  eyes. I couldn't help but notice he liked the phrase "at least". The stickiness seeping through my shirt took priority over my want to go home and sleep. I grabbed the tee from his grasp, making my way back into the record shop. He lead me back to the staff bathroom, making sure to turn on the light before closing the door behind him. I slipped off my coffee drenched shirt, taking the Green Day shirt he gave me and slipping it on. Even though it was slightly big, I felt much more comfortable in it then when I was in my other shirt. Also, the kid did have a pretty great taste in music, if you could judge that based on a single tee shirt. I left the small bathroom, making my way to the front of the store. The boy was behind the counter, all of my records now sat in a bag with the shops logo on the front.

"I picked out some others I think you might like, based on the ones you had there."

He smiled, handing me the bag. I was confused by all the kindness he was showing me. Normally when someone spills coffee,or anything, on you , they apologize, give you another whatever free, and get on with their lives, but this kid was different.


I mumbled, placing the bag around my wrist. The boys smile was lost as he met my gaze.

"Again, I'm super sorry for spilling that coffee."

He repeated, his hazel eyes locking with mine.

"It's fine, I've had worse things happen."

I reassured him. He nodded. 


He said, almost as if he knew something. I just mimicked his nod, deciding that I was going to leave this time.

" I'm going to leave. I'll bring your shirt back tomorrow."

I stuttered, not knowing whether to say goodbye. Something inside was telling me to stay, but I pushed it away.

"You don't have to, it's fine."

He mumbled, sounding kinda disappointed, but why would he be?

"No, it's no biggy."

I stated, flashing him a fake smile before I turned to leave, for real this time.


He chimed. I headed towards the door, not helping but to notice the dimples on his cheeks as he smiled widely.

"My name's Ashton by the way.."

He called out as I reached the door.

"If I'm not out front when you come by tomorrow."

Ashton added, but I had the feeling I'd have no problem finding him tomorrow.


alright, i'm really gonna do this. i have the next 2492740 chapters already written, so if you like it, let me know? 

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