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"Yesterday I found out my cancer was terminal."

I stammered, taking minutes to respond to Ashton's comment. Saying all of this out loud was dredging up feelings I had continuously pushed down and I didn't like it. I didn't know why I was telling Ashton all this, I had met the kid a day ago, he could hate me for all I know.


He began, but I wouldn't let him finish. I didn't want him to make this anymore difficult than it already was.

"Please. I don't want your sympathy, Ashton. I just don't want to hurt more people than I have to."

I pleaded, being one hundred percent honest. 


He frowned, taking a step towards me.

"Bye Ashton. Thank you."

I faked a smile, walking out the door of the record shop, not looking back. My heart became heavier with every step I took.  I had made it a block when I could hear footsteps approaching quickly. I turned when I heard a thud behind me. I turned to see Ashton kissing the pavement. He rolled onto his back, giving me a wide smile as I looked down at him.

"You didn't think you could get rid of me that easily, did you?"

He laughed, I offered him a hand up, noticing the various scratches on his face and hands. I had a feeling that this just walking away plan wasn't going to work, but I didn't imagine that he would  follow me.

"You're very clumsy, you know."

I stated, walking back to my flat with him at my side.

"I didn't used to be."

He mumbled, staring into the different stores we passed.

"That's hard to believe."
I pulled the key out of my pocket, unlocking the door.

"You can sit or whatever, I'll go get some stuff for your face."

I mumbled, pointing to the couch and then to the bathroom. I always talked with my hands, but it was at times like this, when I was with strangers where I noticed it the most. 

"Don't you keep paper bags in the kitchen?"

He questioned, laughing at his own joke.

"You realize you just insulted yourself, right?"

I called out from the bathroom stifling my laugh. I grabbed the rubbing alcohol, cloth and some anti-bacterial ointment. Returning to  the living room to find Ashton going through my vinyls

"Can I?"

He asked, pulling a vinyl out of the box that held the majority of my vinyls.

"Knock yourself out."

I nodded, waiting patiently as Ashton messed with the player before sitting back down. Music soon came through the speaker. I wet the cloth with the alcohol gently wiping Ashton's shallow cuts, he flinched back, reminding me ,yet again, of a five year old. Ashton hummed along to the song playing at the time as I wiped the dirt and gravel off his hands, not helping but to notice the numerous rubber band bracelets on his wrist.

"Your girlfriend make these for you?"

I laughed brushing my finger over the first bracelet, he had five of them all in bright colours.

"My sister."

He smiled, twisting one of the bracelets around.


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