How it all began

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Hey guys! I'm working on fixing the story, so if something seems different or off, I am just fixing some parts. I am doing my best to make it the best it can be, and won't be done for a while, so I'm sorry for the inconvenience.


I'm Danny. I am 26 years old. My dad kicked me out when I said I want to be a musician 9 years ago. Claire has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. She supports me in everything I do and is always there for me. Since then, I have been living with Claire, my partner in crime here in LA. She has light red hair and lots of freckles. I, however, have Blonde, wavy hair and light blue eyes. We are complete opposites, but could not be closer friends.


"Hey! Get up sleepy head! "
Shouted Claire from the hallway.
"Ok...ok..ok! I'm up!" So much for a Happy birthday...
"Good. Be ready and in the car in 15 minutes" she sag.
I lazily got up and picked out an outfit. I pulled a blue polka dot skirt and a white tank from the closet. I hopped in the shower and washed my face, trying to wake up.
I got out and got ready. I ran down the hall and down the stairs.
"Ok. I am ready."
"Great! Lets go!"
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see!"
I hate surprises! Claire took me to a diner were where they have the BEST food. I mean the BEST.
Why hasn't she said anything about my birthday? It's been an hour already..did she forget?

"So, Danny, Lets go to the mall today."

"Ok. I need some clothes anyway." We finisned our meal and headed to the mall. When we got there, we headed to our favorite store, Forever 21. I bought some new jeans and tops, then headed to Hollister.

"Claire! Come look at this!" I sorta yelled in the middle of the store...Oops.
A sleeveless top with Bruno Mars dangled from the hanger. I HAVE TO GET THIS!
I took the shirt off the rack and made my way to the dressing room. IT FIT. I changed back and went to pay. After shopping, we just walked around for a while.

"So, Claire, are there any guys in your life..?" I joked, nudging her.

"NO! Well at least not yet. What about you Miss?" She mocked.

"No. Especially after Adam. "
Adam was a previous boyfriend. He was abusive. At first, it was love at first sight, then we got serious and became a thing. After moving in with him, all turned to hell.


I know today was a special day for Danny, it's her 26th birthday. I got her something girls would kill for.....A FRONT ROW TICKET TO BRUNO MARS!! She is going to love me even more after I give her the ticket, and of course, I am going with her! I feel kinda bad for not making a big deal about her birthday, but the tickets will cheer her up.
We got back to the house and I called her into the kitchen.
"CLA-CLAIRE!! WHERE DID THESE COME FROM?!" She shreaked as she picked up the tickets from the counter.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANNY!" I threw my arms is the air and shouted.
"Thank you SO MUCH!!!!"


The concert was in 2 weeks! I am so excited!




This is it. The concert is tonight!!!
I threw together my new top, and paired it with high wasted shorts. I was just finishing my hair and makeup when I hear Clair open the bathroom door.
"Are you ready?" I asked Claire.
"Yup. Lets go before it gets too crowded."
We were on our way to the arena when Gorilla came on the radio. Claire and I sang like there was no tomorrow. We finally pulled up and, let me just day, THE ARENA WAS HUGE! We were kinda early so we bought some merchandise. I got a program, a fedora, and a poster. Claire got a t-shirt, and a poster. We made our way to our front row seats and got situated.
"I can't believe this is happening!! " I said to Claire.
Not long after, the lights were dimmed, and the curtain fell. There he was, with his grey fedora, and the cutest smile.
"Whats Up LA??!!??" Bruno said pumping up the crowd. I jumped and screamed like my life depended on it, and so did Claire. He started to sing Young Girls, and I sang along.. A few songs later he got to Just The Way You Are.
"It gets very lonely up here, I need someone to talk to....." Bruno trailed off. He scanned the audience and looke directly at me!!! AT ME!!Yep...this is it. This is the day I'm going to die.  Unfortunatly, he chose the girl next to me. Once the curtain closed for the final time, we headed out. "THAT WAS THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE!" I said squeezing the guts out of Claire
"I knew you would like it!" she hugged back.

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