10| incineration

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"Are you sure that's the best idea?" Changbin asked skeptically.

Felix cringed at the older boy's words. Him saying that after praising Felix's growth was a very low blow; and the Australian was feeling the full effects of Changbin's words. Red watched as Felix's face dropped, and she immediately tapped into his thoughts to hear what he was thinking, because she knew he'd be too afraid to voice his thoughts out loud.

Why would he say that? I thought he believed in me; at least a little bit...

It was clear to Red that Felix wasn't the most confident person when it came to using his powers. In reality, the brunette was scared of what he could do. It was a constant struggle to not over think things. Running through the younger's mind all day were worries about hurting someone with his powers. He wondered if he'd be able to understand them enough to have full control over them. What if he ended up hurting or even killing someone because he wasn't able to control himself? Thoughts like that were always in the back of Felix's mind, but he never voiced them. He thought that he'd be burdening the person he admitted his true feelings to, so he always kept it locked inside himself.

"Why wouldn't it be?" Red questioned.

"Didn't you just say that Felix has shown incredible growth in power and in his control of power?"

"Yes, and he has...But, isn't it a little too soon? He's been here for less than three weeks," Changbin reminded the female.

The redhead nodded.

"I know. But, you had your first mission within your second week of training," Red stated.

"But my situation was...A lot different than his," the raven haired boy defended.

And he was right. Felix's powers were inside of him since birth. He just had no idea they were inside of him until that early morning when the forest fire spread to the neighborhood houses. Changbin, on the other hand, wasn't born with his powers. A long, incredibly horrific string of events lead to him being able to use telekinesis. He'd much rather forget that list of occurrences, so he did his best to bury them along with all his other childhood memories. Those memories were toxic to him, and frankly, he saw no use for them at all.

"Even so, there's no better way to test his abilities than to give him some hands on experience," Red decided quickly.

It wasn't that she didn't take Changbin's words into consideration. It was that she could read his thoughts, and the words coming out of his mouth definitely didn't match what he was saying in his head. It wasn't that the older boy didn't think the younger was capable enough to do the mission. That wasn't the issue at all. The problem was that Changbin didn't want Felix to end up hurt; but he wouldn't ever say that out loud.

"What's the mission?" Felix asked, finally popping into the conversation again.

"Yesterday, Woojin and I got word of a new member that's joined a rival group of superhumans that are planning on using their powers to gain control over the human population," Red began seriously.

"I'd like for both you and Changbin to investigate the situation further and find out if this new member even exists at all."

That's not so bad, Changbin said to himself, mentally breathing a large sigh of relief, he probably won't get hurt if all we're doing is gathering information.

"I'd like to do it," Felix spoke up confidently.

He was absolutely determined to show Changbin that he wasn't weak. He wanted the older boy to know that he listened when he was given pointers and directions. He wanted Changbin to know that he listened when he'd speak. Felix wanted to prove himself to the raven haired boy; and prove himself he would.

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