A Call For Help

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As the young girl sat there engrossed with the goings on the small screen, Steph was on the phone to her father, Vince McMahon watching her curiously not knowing her story but having an idea of how to communicate to her.

"Hey Dad, It's me.. We had a girl running in to the building, no parents, she seems scared about something.. " She explained on the phone whilst fidgeting with her pen, she wasn't entirely sure about this, she had no idea how he was going to react. "Paul has already called the police, social services will be coming tomorrow". 

"You mean that she managed to get past your security, do we know anything about her?" By the sound of his voice he wasn't very happy by this news, she thought that maybe he would be a little more concerned considering he himself is a Dad. 

"No she hasn't spoken yet.. She does seem to respond to the wrestling though..." She glanced over at the girl as she watched the screen, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "I think if we let her meet some of the guys she might open up".

"Alright, when you know more,let me know". With that he had hung up, she still didn't know his take on any of this. As the call ended, she had walked to where young Lexi was sitting watching the screen where currently there was a TLC Tag Match with the Hardy Boys against Rated RKO with Lita by ringside. She watched the girls eyes lighting up as she watched Jeff doing a swantom bomb from the top of the ladder to Randy Orton. Steph looked to her and a light-bulb switched in her head.

"Do you like wrestling sweetheart?" She saw a slight nod then added "Want to go watch it at ringside?" She offered the young girl her hand as she got up, she smiled as the girl extended her arm silently still not talking but she was happy she was getting somewhere. She was hoping that maybe talking to one of her idols will help her to open up. As they walked towards the back curtain Lita was distracting Matt in the ring giving Edge some time to get up and take advantage. She had slid off the apron as Edge nailed him with a spear and climbed the ladder but before he could, Jeff had gotten on the turnbuckle and drop-kicked the ladder. All 4 were down as the show cut to a break, Stephanie had walked young Lexi down to ringside and got her sat in a safe position and sat with her. She watched Lexi urging the Hardy Boys to get up which then started the crowd chanting.

"Lets go Hardy's, Edge you suck!" Were all that came from the young girl sitting beside Stephanie, she watched this girl clapping and cheering. Then the smiling face turned to Stephanie listening to the fans cheering around her, repeating the chant she had shouted just moments ago. She looked like she was going to say something but she didn't, she put her headset on as she sat at the commentary table with Jim Ross & Jerry 'The King' Lawler taking both men by surprise. Again she looked like she was going to say something but she didn't she just looked into the ring as the action continued.

"Yesterday was my birthday". She said as she glanced at Steph and she bit her lip nervously as she decided to open up. "I've never celebrated it, not for years anyway. I remember when my friend Chad and I would go ice skating, we would then go bowling and we would finish off the day with getting a pizza and ice cream". As she spoke, there was a fire in her eyes as she was clearly trapped in the memory. "My parents then got so obsessed with making sure my siblings and i were successful, they didn't care about things like birthdays. It got to the point where I was forced to leave school and start getting tutored at home". She couldn't help it, watching her idols in that ring just made her want to open up, especially since Stephanie was so nice to her. 

"That sounds dreadful". This was all that JR had to say, he and his fellow commentator had struggled to call the match going on in the ring ever since this young girl spoke. the camera's had been focusing on her as she opened up.

"The terrible part is that I started believing that that was what I wanted to, the truth is I love to perform I want sing, dance and be an actress. I joined the school clubs back when i was in school and when my parents found out they made me quit". She said not realizing she was being filmed talking and that it was on the titantron as she kept talking. "The day before my birthday my brothers decided to take me out since I've been working super hard and I had such an amazing time.... Until we got home". This was the part she knew she had to explain but she struggled, she was close to tears just remembering what happened. "My mother was waiting for us as we arrived home, she was quite obviously drunk and she was very angry". With a deep breath, she looked around but she didn't really see anything with her eyes full of water.

"She slammed me against the wall, she called me a failure and that i'm so ugly that is why my birth parents gave me up". A lot of booing was heard throughout the arena , she assumed it was because Randy Orton had just RKO'd Jeff Hardy through a table. "She then choked me, i felt like i was going to die.. If it wasn't for my Dad pulling her off I probably would have, Then my Dad kicked me, just to keep me down. That's why I ran, I was terrified that it would get worse just because I would rather dance on a stage than be in an office all day". When she was finished she heard the chants changing from just booing to now cheering for The Hardy's again. 

"Let's go Hardy's, Do it for the girl". Echoed around the arena and with the power of the fans lifting him up, Matt had gotten the strength to get up. With the last of his strength, he ended the match by climbing the ladder he got the Tag Titles, falling down with them in hand. Steph was too focused on the story of the 16 year old girl who was sat with her, she had a tear in her eye realizing how much pain this girl had been going through.

"What's your name?" King spoke up, he knew they'd probably get a lot of heat for not calling the match but this girls story seem to rock the whole universe. It's the only thing she hasn't shared and he found it pretty amazing that this young girl has proudly spoken out when a lot of older woman wouldn't. 

"Alexis Mary-Louise Jones but I go by Lexi.. Please" She answered, she was really unsure about what was happening, everyone just seemed to start cheering her name. She took off the headset, slowly standing up and giving everyone a wave and a small smile. Slowly Steph got up to join her, she took hold of the young girls hand and held her close. She let go of Stephanie's hand and walked towards the ring where Matt & Jeff were celebrating, she felt the need to congratulate them. She walked up the steps and dropped down to roll in under the bottom rope. She was pulled into a hug by Matt straight away, hearing her story as they were fighting seemed to drive both of the boys.she felt arms lifting up and realized it was Jeff, he helped her on the top turnbuckle and encouraged her to a celebration pose. 

"Lets give it up for Alexis Mary-Louise Jones, the bravest girl that I have ever known!" Matt had picked up a microphone, he had been touched by the story. He couldn't imagine getting treated like that and still being able to smile but there she was giggling as she messed around with Jeff in the ring. The whole arena was full of cheers for this girl who seemed the most at home in that ring, it was an incredible thing. Stephanie McMahon was at a complete loss of words because she knew the social services would be there first thing in the morning and she didn't want to lose this special girl. Especially if it meant she had to go back to her abusive sounding family, she was so close to saying fuck it and adopting her herself. Watching her in the ring really made her thoughtful and a little scared. 

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