The Aftermath

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The night after the 2006 Survivor Series  it was time for Monday Night Raw, Lexi didn't have a match planned so she opted for acting as the manager for The Hardy Boyz and D-Generation X in both their matches. She was in such a buzz the night before she never checked her social media accounts so whilst they were traveling from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh she opened up her laptop. She had flicked through her Myspace, she barely got messages on that so she wasn't expecting anything. She clicked on the  messages seeing she had 1 new and she almost freaked when she saw who it was; Her childhood best friend Chad, she had almost forgotten about him after all the crazy stuff that had happened in the last few weeks. She slowly got the energy to click the message and she read through what he had to say, he sent quite the paragraph and she was close to tears, it read like: 

"Hello stranger, 

I don't know when or even if you'll see this now that you're a big star but I have missed you Chipmunk. The last few weeks, I have been putting up with the aftermath of you running away and even though I know why you did it? It still hurts that you didn't reach out to me or say goodbye. Your adopted parents came over here the day after you left, they thought we were hiding you so they broke in and searched EVERYWHERE for you, they don't watch the wrestling so they didn't see your confession of what happened.... The police had though so when we got them done for breaking in they also got charged for all the abuse they had done to you. 

Honestly, I should be angry you never said goodbye but you know what I feel? I feel so proud that you have made a new life for yourself, that you got yourself out the situation. I can't help but feel guilty tat I wasn't the one who saved you fro all of it though, my parents when they saw you on Raw they cried because we all knew your family wasn't the nicest but we never did anything at all. 

So I understand if you never respond to this, or if you never want to see me again but we are coming to Monday Night Raw tonight, after all we now live in Pittsburgh (: 

So I will see you later, I guess <3". 

Her eyes were tearing up, she was going to see her best friend again and not only that but her abusers were finally in jail. She didn't realise Matt was peering over her shoulder reading the message too, he was just curious to what had made her so sad all of a sudden. After composing herself Lexi closed the message and opened up her Twitter instead and started messaging fans back trying to keep her cool. She had no idea what she was wanting to say to him if she saw him tonight, she was actually feeling pretty nervous about the whole thing. 

As soon as they arrived she shut off her laptop and climbed from the car picking up her bag and heading straight to the arena, keeping herself quiet as she marched ahead of her father and his rather confused brother. She had herself shut off from everyone, going straight to her lockeroom, locking out Matt and Jeff as they tried to follow her into their joint room (since she's still new she didn't have her own just yet) and began getting herself ready for the upcoming event, she took her time braiding her hair and getting into her ring gear, she wasn't due to wrestle but she thought she'd get herself ready just in case she needed to fight.

She kept herself hidden until the start of Raw, unlocking the door and heading down towards the cafeteria to get herself a bottle of water. She was about to open the cafeteria doors when she suddenly was slammed against the wall, a brute force smacked into her. When she looked up from her state there was Victoria with her psychotic smirk on her face and a steel chair in her hand, she was edging closer to smack her again. She took a few blows to the ribs, she was close to screaming out in pain but she didn't want to give her the sick satisfaction of knowing she was in pain. 

"I should be Women's Champion, not you! You got handed your opportunity all because your sad little story". Hissed Victoria, she continuously smacked the bat into her, getting dangerously close to hitting her face."You train for a day and suddenly you're a champion, I've been training YEARS and I get no respect". She had kept hitting her and she was about to hit her again this time in the face but before she could hit Victoria was tackled to the ground and that was the last thing Lexi saw before she passed out from all the pain in her ribs.   

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