The Debut

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**A/N: I do not own any of the creative rights to the 2006 Survivor Series, the only thing I own is my own characters fictional involvement in the PPV. All else that happened is owned by the WWE**

This was it; her big break it wasn't Wrestlemania but it was a start, she would build up to it slowly and start her new life as a Hardy. She had found herself counting down the minutes, she was nervous hoping that she wasn't going to make the biggest fool of herself in front of the entire WWE Universe.  She was in her fathers lockeroom, she chose to browse through her Myspace and Twitter conversing with the fans hoping it would help the time pass by her. She stood by her tweet from the other day and she was following back as many fans as she could as well as tweeting as many back as well. She found herself watching her interview back from the day before as well, it was just a behind the scenes for about her last few weeks and what it has meant to her to have a new life. 

"You have already got quite the fan base and we haven't seen you in the ring yet, I take it we will one day be seeing you in the ring correct?" The interviewer had asked her, she knew she had to evade answering as much as possible but not to lie either so she took a minute before she had given an answer.

"The last few weeks have been a dream, I am scared that I will wake up or something will happen to end this experience and turn it into a nightmare". She had answered with a smile and a nervous giggle as she flipped her hair lightly using the cute act to capture the audience before continuing. "It's true, I want to follow in my families footsteps and become a superstar but as of when I will debut? I guess we will all have to wait and see what the future holds". That was where the interview had ended and she had went off with her father for a meal to celebrate her wrestling debut. 

Turning off her laptop, she turned on the tv monitor in the room as the PPV was close to starting. As Lauren Hart sang the American National Anthem she had prepared to get herself into her ring gear, her father being protective and not wanting her to show off too much skin so he added a long sleeve style top to her attire, like her mother used to wear when she teamed with them. She had her hair put in braids for her first ever match wanting her new image to be memorable, that and it was her favorite hairstyle. There was a dark match before the Pay Per View went live, Carlito versus Charlie Haas, it wasn't a long or exciting match in fact she found it very predictable as Carlito had won with his Backstabber. By the time she had finished getting herself ready it was time for the first match of the night, she had decided she was going to watch it from the cafeteria monitor rather than sitting around on her own. 

The first match was a four-on-four Survivor Series match between Team Spirit Squad(Lexi often calls them the Team Suck Squadron); Kenny, Johnny, Nicky and Mikey with Mitch  managing the team and Team WWE Legends; Ric Flair, Sgt. Slaughter, Dusty Rhodes and Ron Simmons with Arn Anderson managing the team. Simmons was eliminated after being counted out, leading to the referee ejecting Anderson and Mitch which had a mixed reaction from the fans, Lexi however thought the ref made the right decision in order to make it an even match. Nicky had eliminated Slaughter after a Spinning Heel Kick by Johnny, to only then be eliminated himself by Rhodes with a Bionic Elbow. Kenny eliminated Rhodes with a roll-up while holding Rhodes' jeans. Flair eliminated Mikey, using the ropes for leverage while pinning Mikey. Flair had single handedly eliminated both Kenny (which was with an inside cradle) and then submitting Johnny to the Figure Four Leglock, leaving Flair as the sole survivor. After losing the match, The Spirit Squad had attacked Flair in a cowardly move.

In the second match, Chavo Guerrero faced Chris Benoit  for the United States Championship. This was a match she had really wanted to see, she didn't know who to root for because she loved Eddie Guerrero and wished the best for his nephew. She had full respect for Chris Benoit though as he was one of the first superstars she had seen do amazing things at Wrestlemania XX and also he was one of the favorites of her childhood best friend Chad.  During the match, Chavo executed his uncle Eddie's signature Frog Splash on Benoit for a near-fall. Also during the match Benoit had accidentally knocked Vicky Guerrero  off the apron when Chavo countered Benoit's attempt to apply the Sharpshooter. Upon failing with the sharpshooter Benoit had forced Chavo to submit to the Crippler Crossface  to retain the title.

It was now her time to make her in ring debut, she watched as Benoit made his way backstage and she slowly made her way to the stage. She had waited for Lita to go out to the ring before she even got close as this was meant to be a surprise even for her. 

"Well folks, looks like this next match has had a change of plan. Next up we were meant to be seeing Lita having her final match against Mickie James to defend her championship. We have just been told that Mickie won't be competing tonight after all". The voice of Michael Cole rang through the speakers as she stood waiting for her music.

"I don't know about you Cole, I have been looking forward to see whose big enough to have Mickie James give up her shot". Tazz replied as Lita entered the ring and did her usual taunts trying to get the fans attention. They were quiet throughout her entrance, it was only when someone else's music hit an entrance no one recognized quite yet. 

"Tazz, is that who i think it is? Yes... Guys you won't believe this but it looks like it's the debut of young Lexi Hardy!" Michael Cole had exclaimed quite excitedly, he sounded like a kid waiting for Santa Claus. As if to answer his exclamation Lexi rolled out onto the stage just as "I'm a survivor" blared she then did a cartwheel down the ramp and jumped on the ring apron. She looked from left to right as she placed her hands on the top ropes, the fans had been going wild just at the sight of the young girl but what she did next had them in awe. She could have slid through or under the ropes but instead she jumped up in a high splits and cleared the ropes landing on both feet in the middle of the ring. Her mother was stood in the corner giving her the dirtiest of looks, she just smirked and jumped up on the turnbuckle on the opposite side waving at the fans. Jumping back down she faced her mother and awaited the ringing of the bell. 

"Let's go Lexi", "Lita's a Crack Whore", "Goodbye Lita" and "Come On Hardy". Were the cheers that were being chanted throughout the match. Lexi had phased most of it out, she was to focused on the woman in the ring with her, it was scary that the fans were being so cruel to her mother but it didn't phase her. It was a pretty hard fight as they seemed evenly matched but she hit a Hurricanrama/ Twist of Fate combo and finished it with a move from the top rope which was a mix between the Frogs Splash and a Swantom Bomb to get a 3 count pin. She was in shock that she managed to get her first victory in front of thousands, millions of people watching at home. Grabbing the belt and doing a quick victory dance she left through the crowd of fans, taking pictures as she made her way to the back. It was after she left the ring and made it to the back that Cryme Tyme had came out to the ring and sold Lita's personal belongings to the audience which they had stolen in an earlier backstage segment. She knew she should have felt bad about it but she was in too much of a good mood to care, she now had to get ready to support her father and uncle in their upcoming match. Quickly she changed from her ring gear and put on some jeans and a DX t shirt that Triple H had gifted her the day before.

The match was coming up next, she met up with her Dad and Jeff before making their way to the ring together. She was excited to be at ringside to see her favorite superstars in the ring. She was of course a little biased considering her father and Uncle Jeff were both part of Team DX as well as Triple H, Shawn Michaels and CM Punk. Also the fact her mothers new boyfriend was in Team Rated-RKO along with his fellow tag team champion Randy Orton, Johnny Nitro, Mike Knox and former best friend of The Hardy Boys Gregory Helms. Knox was the first to be eliminated by Michaels after Sweet Chin Music while Knox had been distracted by his then-girlfriend, Kelly Kelly. Nitro was the next to be eliminated by Punk after submitting to the Anaconda Vice. Helms was then eliminated by Matt after a Twist of Fate by Matt and a Swanton Bomb from Jeff Hardy. Edge was eliminated by Michaels after Sweet Chin Music. Orton was eliminated by Triple H after Sweet Chin Music by Michaels and a Pedigree, meaning Team DX won the match with no members eliminated. After the match was over Lexi had gotten on the top turnbuckle and did her signature Swantom Frog Splash to Edge and  Jeff was on the other side delivering another swanton to Orton. She jumped up after and grabbed her title before following her Dad backstage, she was so happy after such an amazing first day.

She was looking forward to seeing the rest of the matches but her Dad and his teammates had other plans, they were going to head out and celebrate not only their victory but her new championship reign as well as a successful first day in the ring. She'd gotten dressed out of her jeans and shirt and borrowed a dress from Kelly Kelly since she would be joining them.

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