Chapter 1 Hoto ♧

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Part 1~

A/N Heeeey guys its my first fanfic! Hope you like it! Read, comment and fan me! xxx.

A/N (19/4)

OMG I JUST RE READ THE FIRST FEW PARTS OF MY FIC AND IT'S UTTERLY TERRIBLE. I'M NOT KIDDING! But I promise you, it gets better! xo Thanks for choosing this story! c:

**Jazmyn's POV**

"JAZZZZMMMMYYYNNN!!!,HONEY ITS TIME TO GET UP",my dad shouted from downstairs."Ugh",I groaned.

"It's gonna take a miracle for dad to wake me up",I muttered to myself in my sleepy voice. Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching my door.

"Oh shit! ", I said, still lying in bed. Then, I heard a voice, whispering to me.

"Jazmyn, I have chocolate pancakes downstairs do you want them or not?!"It was my dad's voice, tickiling my ear.

My eyes fluttered open,hearing the word pancakes.

"That's my beautiful girl!",my dad said.

"Damn! he used my weakness, FOOOOD." I groggily got up and went to wash up. I then decided to wear a pink tank top with a simple white mini skirt and neon pink flats to finish it of .

After that,applied heavy make-up with a lot of blusher and eyeliner.I tied my brunette hair into a messy bun and held it up with a cute tiara clip i bought.

I smiled at myself in the mirror, approving my outfit for school. I am an 18-year-old girl who was accepted in the popular crowd. I did not want to loose that fame as ( like any other high school girl) wanted attention. However, I was not that happy in the "IN" crowd. I was not myself.

Everyone popular treated their face like a colouring-book. I did not like wearing a lot of makeup. However, I am putting up to all this for one thing. To impress my crush, a brown-haired,curly - haired gu named HarryI am not pretty, but honestly, not ugly.So, its quite hard to get his attention.

A tear slid down my face as my mom always told me to be myself. I always copied what other girls wore,how they talked and how they walked.My mom is now dead. She died because of cancer. Her last wish was for me to live a happy life. But, I don't think it is coming true.


After being deep in thought, I rushed downstairs to eat my chocolate pancakes .My dad rarely cooked since mom died but today he was in a cheerful mood.I seriously missed his food.

"Hey dad!What turned you on", I teased."Ohhhh nothing" he replied witha dreamy smile. I knew that smile anywhere. It meant that he was in love.

" Who is she? What's her name? How old is she? Is she pretty?", I blurted out all those questions at one go.

My mom has been dead for 6 years now, my dad deserved to fall in love again. "Woah there! Who told you I was going on a date", my dad blurted out before he could catch himself.

"AHAH! YOU ARE IN LOVE!" "COME ON DAD TEEEELLLL MEEEE!" "Fine,fine", my dad said, defeated. " I smiled, satisfied. "Her name is Anne ", my dad told me. "Her husband died on the day of their wedding.It was a sad story actually". When my dad said Anne, I almost choked on my pancake. "Isn't that Harry's mum's name?!"



Cliffhanger ahahaah x) Hope you guys liked part one.xx I'll only continue if you guys like it xxxxxx. Thanks babes!please no hates (: Love you guys!!

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