Are you kidding me?

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**Harry's POV"

"Ugh why is Jazmyn asking me about my DAD'S date. Like erm...creepy much? She's pestering me to tell her asdfghjkzksmndssjsn

''Erm...'' was all that I could squeeze out form all the confusion happening.

''Okay,I can see that your'e a little confused so i'm just going to blurt it out okay?'' Jazmyn asked me,as she fiddled with her curly brunette hair. I had to admit she was gorgeous. The way her long,curly brunette hair falls over her shoulders,just below her boobs. The way she smiles at a person,revealing her cute tiny dimples. The way her eyes change their amazing colours from caramel brown to dark,misty chocolate. Her long,beautiful,evenly tanned legs were just so easy to get lost into. She was just breathtaking.''I can't wait to get into her pants'',I thought dirtily as I felt a smirk creeping on my face.

''Um...Harry?HARRY?Earth to Harold Edward Styles'', Jazmyn tried snapping me out of thought. I immediately regained and fell back from thought when she used my full name. ''Wow she clearly has it bad for me'', I thought to myself. She even knows my middle name!And now i feel so guilty for not even knowing her last name.

''Erm..Yes.. Harry is back on Earth'',I replied ,not concious on how stupid i was looking like.

Jazmyn just chuckled lightly and smiled,showing her cute dimples.''Ohh...yes.. Astronaunt Harry is back on Earth'',she joked lightly.

''Oh..HHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA '',I laughed ,although it was not something i'd call comedy gold. '' were saying?'',i questioned her,putting her back on track on our conversation.


''Umm... Please don't be shocked''

''Shocked?'' i replied,confused.

''Err...Yeah..Um..I think our parents are dating,Harry''

''WHAAAAAAAAT??!!!'',I questioned her,EXTREMELY suprised.

''Umm...Yeah..'',she replied shuffling her feet,as she stares down at the floor. Her eyes turned a misty like and i could see she was nervous.

I decided to get her a little morr nervous befor asking her out. "Sorry,Jazmyn but this is not gonna work out..i mean its too weird..sorry"

''Wait..NOOO.. it obviously will work out. PLEASE. WE can make it work. ",Jazmyn pleaded

I smirked ,"WOW this girl seriously got it bad" ,I thought to myself and said to her, "Okay,what about this. We go out on the same night as our parents date,so things won't be that awkward"

Jazmyn's mout dropped into an 'O' shape. Clearly,I can see she was to suprised and happy to even talk. Its been obvious to me that she has been crushing on me for years and well now she got her wish.

While Jazmyn stood there,gaping I just said "Pick you up at 8,aye? We're gonna have some fun",I winked and blew a kiss towards her. She blushed furiously.It was kind of cute actually. I can't wait for friday,I thought. Finally, I'd be able to get some;)



Hey guys! Sorry,this chapters a bit boring:L sorry. But,hope you guys like it xxx.








Love ya guys! mwah xx

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