Here Comes Romance ( Continuation of Part 2)

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****Continuation of part two****

**Jazmyn's POV**

I was still deep in thought about what my dad said. It is most definetely Harry's mom that my dad's gonna date. "NO FAIR!", I almost screamed out loud as I took my Science and French books out of my locker. I was devastated and this would mean an almost 0% chance of me dating Harry. Thats when I noticed Harry,also at his locker which is just three lockers away from mine,checking me out. Well, I let him. I realised that his big,green orbes were looking at my mini-skirt,which I then realised was hardly covering my bum. I did not adjust it though,as it would seem to obvious. As Harry continused to check me out, I decided to check HIM out. He looked amazing. His huge head of brown,curly hair matches perfectly with his big,green eyes. He smiled at me,showing his dimple on his left cheek. My heart skipped a beat as he made his way over. Al the thoughts of "us" not being able to happen just vanished insatntly from my mind. "OMG OMG OMG HIS COMING OVER. JAZMYN HIS COMING OVER.",my best friend Cassidy kept squealing to me. "Yes,Cassy,I know.I have eyes too ",I huffed and rolled my eyes at my bestie.Then I started to get worried on how I look. I was patting my hair so that the bun stays in place and i was ruffling out my pink tank top." Jazmyn,you look fine babe. Don't worry", Cassidy tried comforting me. I seriouzly love my bff. "Aww. Thanks and okay I'll try to aks him out today (:",I smiled and told Cassidy. She just rolled her eyes and muttered something like "thats what you say everyday".


Harry looked even more amazing up close. I couldd see every detail of his eyes. They occasionally turn blue, not fully but just a light shade of blue. When he was nervous, his eyes would be all greyish-green. When his excited,I realise,(like now)that his eyes look the brightest green. I just loved Harry's eyes. They were just so mesmerising,so easy to get lost into."Um...Hi", he satrted the conversation.

"Hi" I said brightly.

"Sooo. You doing anything this Saturday night",he asked me,playing with his brown,curly hair.

"Nope. My dad's got a date. ", I said, remembering this morning. I was all happy inside that he asked me out. I was almost gonna start dancing and singing as I was toooo excited,but fortunately I caught myself.Then, I thought that it would be easier for him to know that our parents are or are-in-process of dating. I did not want to start a relationship filled with lies

"Ohh? Mine too. Coincidental huh?",Harry asked.

"Nooot really."

"Whaddya mean?!", Harry''s voice started to get a little loud.

"Ummm..I know this question is a little weird but.erm.. What's the name of your mom's date?, I forced myself to ask him.


"I know its weird,but please just answer my question so that the truth will be revealed".

'Wha-? What truth?,he asked confused.

"Just answer my question already",I can't believe I had enough courage to talk to him like that .




Ahah another cliffhanger.*Dramatic music* LOLs. (x Hope you guys like it. Its quite a short chapter,sorry. But I'm trying to update anyway.

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