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"hey, mama." michael said once he walked into the kitchen, just arriving.

he gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek before leaning against the counter.

"hey, baby."

"what are you making?" he asked, and she smiled.

"macaroni with dino nuggets and fries." she said, and michael tilted his head.

she looked over, and furrowed her eyebrows.

"what?" she asked, and michael laughed a little.

"that's luke's favorite. we haven't had that in years. is mama c reminiscing?" michael asked, and she smiled.

"maybe i am." she laughed, and michael hugged her again, sighing.

"it's alright, mama."

she smiled because michael just didn't know. he didn't know that luke was going to walk downstairs any minute.

"i know." she said quietly once michael pulled back.

"i'll set the table." michael said, and grabbed two plates from the cabinet.

"oh- we need three tonight." she said, and michael looked back at her.

"who's coming over?" michael asked.

she didn't respond, but michael just got three plates anyway assuming it was one of her work friends or something.

when he turned around he bumped into someone who was taller than him.

"who the h-"

"watch where you're going, clifford."

the plates fell out of michael's hands, crashing to the floor, and breaking into a million pieces as he looked at the man standing in front of him.

"michael!" karen whined.

luke smiled, and michael felt like he couldn't move.

it was only a matter of seconds before michael walked forward, hugging luke as tight as he could.

"boys! the glass!" karen said, but they didn't care.

"i missed you." michael whispered, holding onto luke.

"i missed you too, mikey." luke said quietly, tears falling from his eyes again.

"you're still a crier."

"well, don't think it's because i'm happy to see you or anything." luke laughed, feeling michael lay on his shoulder.

"but that's exactly why you're crying." michael smiled.

"yeah that, and because i'm pretty sure there's glass in my leg." luke said quietly, and michael pulled back seeing that there was, in fact, glass in luke's leg, and blood was slipping from the middle of his shin down to his sock, but it wasn't so bad.

"shoot, i'm sorry." michael said quietly.

"it's okay. come help me though." luke said, and michael nodded.

"michael, go fix luke and i'll clean up. you two are still so clumsy together."

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