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"hi, mama c..." luke said, wrapping his arms around her shoulders from behind as she cooked something on the stove.

"is that luke hemmings? it's been so long since i last saw him because he got back with his boyfriend, and forgot mama c existed." she said, and luke smiled.

"actually, it's about to be luke clifford."

"no way!" she said, and turned around, ignoring the boiling pasta as she picked up luke's left hand, examining the ring there.

"he asked me yesterday." luke laughed, and she looked up, tears in her eyes.

"i remember when you both were so small. michael's always cared so much about you, and i could just tell that you've been in love with him since you guys were just kids. you make each other happy." she said, and luke hugged her, leaning his head against hers.

"i'm so happy." luke whispered.

"i know you are." she whispered back.

"it just feels like everything is right, you know?" luke said as they watched michael and carson through the kitchen window, chasing each other around the backyard.

"it does, doesn't it?"

luke nodded, a smile on his face as michael ran through the back door, quickly coming into the kitchen.

"ooh, look at my fiancé." michael said, pulling luke over to him by the waist.

"you're not allowed to be gross at grandmas house. that's a rule." carson said, and looked at karen.

"they like, kiss at home all the time, and you shouldnt have to see that." carson said, and she laughed.

"oh, thanks buddy, but i've seen worse from them." she said, making luke blush.

"what could be worse than that?" carson said, and michael chuckled.

"nevermind, carson. why don't you go clean up? it's almost dinner time." michael said, and carson nodded, running out of the kitchen.

"can i steal you for a second?" michael asked quietly, and luke smiled a bit, nodding.

"be right back, mama c." luke said, and let michael drag him from the kitchen to their old bedroom.

michael quietly shut the door once luke was inside, and pushed him up against it.

"we do this a lot here." luke laughed, and michael playfully rolled his eyes, kissing luke's lips quickly.

"luke, i love you so much." michael whispered, holding luke's waist, and pressing their foreheads together.

"that was random." luke giggled, and michael shook his head.

"no- no, my love for you isn't random- i- i just- i- gosh, i love you so much. carson was talking to me outside, and he told me that he feels like you completed our family. he said you were like a missing puzzle piece that fell under the table and got lost for a second, but we found you, and now everything's complete. it was cute the way he said it, and- he just looked so happy, luke. you did that. you make him so happy, and i can't thank you enough for that."

"michael, don't thank me at all. he deserves it."

"you're just so good, luke."

luke smiled, and pressed his lips to michael's, feeling the older boy pick him up, his hands holding luke's bum as the younger boy wrapped his legs around michael's waist.

"i think..." michael whispered before kissing luke between his words. "....that maybe.... carson...should spend...the night here."

"oh yeah?" luke whispered when michael walked over towards the bed.

"yeah..." michael whispered, laying luke down, and hovering his body over luke's. "...want you."

they made out for a couple more minutes, hands roaming each others sides slowly, just loving the feeling of one another.

"grandma was right. this is much worse." they heard, causing them to pull apart quickly.

"carson, do you ever knock?" michael laughed.

"i'm five years old. of course i don't..." he said, and walked over, sitting on the bed with them. "...i'm never gonna be as gross as you two."

"good. you're never allowed to kiss anybody." michael laughed, and carson shrugged.

"well i am five now, and there's a really pretty girl at the playground." carson said playfully, and luke shook his head, pulling the little boy down beside him.

"you don't need to be kissing girls at five years old, i promise." michael said, and carson giggled.

"i won't. i promise. grandma told me to come get you because it's time for dinner."

"alright. come on, baby." michael said, and sat up.

"are you talking to me or luke?" carson asked, and michael smiled, standing up. the little boy got on his shoulders.


michael held out his hands, and picked luke up too, holding him onto his waist.

they both laughed as michael started to slowly carry them both down the stairs, being as careful as he possibly could.

"it's a good thing you've been lifting weights. this must be really heavy." carson said, and michael laughed.

"i've gotta be strong if i'm gonna carry my two favorite boys, right?"

luke smiled and laid his head on michael's shoulder.

"we're your favorite?" luke asked softly.

"of course."

"okay but you like me a little more right?" carson asked and luke playfully nudged his leg as michael walked over to the dinner table.

"just a little."

luke laughed and got down, sitting in his seat.

"i hate you."

"you love me."

"no i don't." luke said, and michael sat carson in his chair, walking over to luke after.

"i think the ring on your finger says something different." he said quietly, leaning down, and pressing a kiss to luke's head.

"i do love you." luke said as michael sat next to him.

"oh, i know."

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