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michael sat with luke in his old room. the room they spent most of their time before luke left.

it was dark, but they were both lit up by the light from the tv.

luke was snuggled under michael's arm, holding onto it, and somehow feeling so small beside michael even though he was taller now.

"you still look as beautiful as ever." michael whispered, catching luke's attention from the movie.

luke looked up and smiled, giggling a bit. "really?"

"oh my gosh, yeah. you're so hot. you're tall, and you can finally grow facial hair, and-"

"michael, stop it!" luke laughed, throwing his head back to rest it on the older man's shoulder.

"no. i didn't really wanna say it too soon because you just got back and everything but i would just stare at you for the rest of my life if you would let me." michael said, making luke laugh again.

"well look at you! you've got tattoos and you dyed your hair again even though i'm not surprised about that, and you can grow a beard too!"

michael tackled luke onto the bed in a big hug as they both just laughed.

they calmed down after a couple seconds, michael luke looked up at michael who was hovering over him.

his smile faded slowly as he just looked up into his beautiful green eyes.

"michael..." luke whispered.

michael leaned down, their foreheads pressing against each others, but their lips apart.

"we shouldn't do this, right? i mean, you just got back, and there's so much i need to tell you, and- we just- luke..." michael whispered, his breath tickling luke's lips.

luke wanted michael to kiss him. just once.

"i mean, do you want to?" luke whispered.

"of course i want to." michael whispered.

"just kiss me, michael. like a welcome home kiss. it doesn't have to mean we're getting back together immediately after. just have a little fun for a minute." luke whispered, his hand on the back of michael's neck.

"just for fun?" michael asked.

"just for fun."

michael closed the gap between them, sealing their lips.

the second after they touched it turned from 'just for fun' to heart felt passion and need for the other boy. their hands were roaming each others sides, and their tongues fought quickly, deep breaths being taken every couple of seconds.

"mama c is downstairs." luke whispered when michael's lips traveled to his neck.

"we won't go far-"

"yeah i know, but that feels really good and i'm not exactly quiet." luke said, making michael laugh against luke's neck.

"you can be quiet."

"try me."

michael sucked on several spots of luke's neck before he found the one that made luke squirm the most.

luke let out a soft moan, gripping on michael's hair.

he didn't know how michael did it, but he somehow sent shocks down luke's back with just his lips pressed into his neck.

a high pitched moan left luke's lips involuntarily, causing michael to pull back.

"you weren't kidding."

"told you."

michael smiled, and laid beside luke, pulling him close. he held luke's head to his shoulder. the silence around them was calming, and luke never wanted to get up.

"i think..." michael whispered, tracing his finger down luke's arm. "...that you should come over sometime. it won't feel like high school anymore trying to make out with the fear that my mom could walk in any second."

"are you offering?" luke asked, and michael sighed.

"i can't tonight. i've got a lot to do. but i promise i'll make some time pretty soon." he said, and luke nodded.

"i understand. we're so old now." luke whispered.

"you're only 20-"

"almost 21," luke corrected as if it wasn't the exact same thing.

"you're so annoying..." michael laughed, kissing luke's head. "...what time is it?"

"a quarter past nine." luke said softly.

"i've gotta get going."

"no you don't!"

"yeah i do." michael whined, and stood up, pulling luke to the edge of the bed by his ankles. he leaned down and pressed his lips to luke's again, softer and sweeter this time.

"tuck me in?" luke asked softly, holding onto michael's face.

"you're adorable."

luke smiled, and got under the blankets, snuggling into the pillow as michael pulled the sheets up to his chin.

"goodnight, luke. it's good to finally have you home."

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