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"goooood morning, cutie."

luke smiled, and wiped the tiredness out of his eyes when he stepped into the kitchen.

"don't you have a job or something?" luke laughed, scratching the stubble on his face.

"i work from home mondays, wednesdays, and fridays." michael said, and luke walked over to him.

"well why aren't you working?" luke asked, and michael picked him up, with more struggle than he did when luke was just sixteen, but he still managed.

he sat luke on his lap, the blond boy's legs around his waist as his back rested against the kitchen island, facing michael.

"because you're here." michael said, and luke smiled.

"this seems like more than 'just for fun' to me." luke said, and michael reached down, gently taking his hand.

"you're always gonna be more than 'just for fun'. it's just gonna take a little time, you know?" michael said, and luke nodded.

he wanted michael right then, but he would wait as long as he had to.

"hey, smile." michael said, his thumb and forefinger holding luke's chin.

luke couldn't help but let his teeth show, also showing off one of his adorable dimples. michael leaned forward, and pressed a kiss to the corner of luke's mouth.

"okay, there's one thing i don't understand." luke said, and michael played the the younger boy's fingers as they sat there.

"what?" he asked, and luke shrugged.

"i'm not asking you to jump into a relationship with me or anything, but you keep saying it's gonna take a little time for us to get back together, but then you come here and make out with me, and hold me like this and- i don't know. why is it so important to not have that label?" luke asked quietly, and michael sat back a little more, just looking at luke's hand in his.

"i wish there was an easy way to explain, but there's not. there's just some stuff in my life that isn't gonna allow me to have a boyfriend right now, you know? i can't commit to someone, and before i call you mine i want to be able to commit to you completely. i don't want to start something with you, and only give you 50%." michael said, making luke smile a little bit.

"mikey, what's going on? you can talk to me, you know?"

"i know. you'll understand soon, i promise. i just- it's a conversation for another day."

"you sure?" luke whispered.


luke leaned down, and pressed his lips to michael's cheek. michael wrapped his arms around luke's waist, holding him tight. he laid his head on luke's shoulder, feeling so calm.

"i'm here, michael. whenever you need to talk." luke whispered.

"i love you."

"i love you too."


please comment and vote (: it means the woooooorld to me. (especially your comments. i love reading them)

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