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"mama c? do i look okay?" luke asked as he heard someone walk towards his room.

"you look beautiful."

luke turned around, and smiled when he saw michael at his door with calum behind him. he blushed and looked down at the ground, feeling kind of shy with someone new around.

luke quickly followed the two down the stairs, and outside.

"hey, do you mind riding in the back? i swear you'll get front seat on the way home because calum will be passed out back there." michael said, and luke laughed a little.

"that's fine, michael."

luke hopped in the backseat of michael's suv and watched as the other two got in.

michael immediately turned up the music, but started talking to calum in a voice loud enough they could hear over the music, but soft enough that luke couldn't hear.

luke leaned his head against the window and sighed.

he wasn't that into parties. he would rather stay home in his comfy clothes and watch a movie, but he would do anything with michael.

it was a really short ride there, and luke was the first one to get out of the car, already kind of irritated.

he followed the two of them into the club, not even attempting to listen to the conversation.


"hold on, luke."

the blond boy just sat down on one of the barstools as michael continued to ignore him.

"i'll have whatever will get me drunk the fastest." luke said, glancing over at michael and calum who found a place to sit a few stools down.

"you got it." the bartenders said before handing luke something. luke didn't care what it was.

he just drank it as fast as he could.


"luke!" michael yelled, pushing through the sweaty bodies.

"chug! chug! chug!"

michael's jaw locked when he saw luke in the center of a circle of people, a bottle of who-knows-what pressed to his lips.

michael stepped forward, and took the bottle from him, setting it down. he grabbed luke's wrist, and dragged him through the crowd, not even listening to his protests.

"mikey, where are we going."

"i'm taking you home." michael said, and luke pouted.

"noooo. no don't do that." luke slurred as they walked out into the parking lot.

"why the hell would you drink that much?!" michael snapped once they finally got back to the car.

luke rolled his eyes, and got in the passenger seat, seeing calum really was passed out in the back already.

"cause i can."

"no, luke, you can't!"

"and why not?" luke asked, crossing his arms, looking over at michael.

"because- because- you- you just can't, luke!" michael said louder.

"sad boys can drink as much as they want." luke slurred, glaring at michael.

michael sighed, and just pulled out of the parking lot, starting the drive back to karen's house.

"next time you don't want me to get drunk, don't take me on one of your dates." luke said, and michael looked over at him.

"me and calum weren't on a date!"

"you so were. i wish i was calem- calum." luke hiccuped.

"we weren't, luke!"

"you ignored me the whole time, michael! you sat so close to him, and you guys just whispered. i think- listen. i think the reason you won't commit to me is because you're with him-"

"luke, shut up! you don't know anything!" michael said. he knows arguing with someone as drunk as luke wasn't gonna go anywhere. it was never gonna be resolved.

"because you won't tell me anything. you have so many s-secrets." luke said, leaning his seat back, and laying down.

"they're just-"

"none of my business. but they're calum's business. and- and i thought i was your best friend!" luke whined, turning so his back was to michael.

"you are my best friend." michael said quietly.

"yeah, well best friends don't hide things, and ignore each other when other people are around!"

michael sighed, and he knew luke wouldn't remember a thing in the morning.

"luke, i'm sorry." michael whispered.

"i just want to be with you again. i want you to myself. and i want you to kiss me. and hold me. and- and on the good days i want you to fuck me." luke slurred, making michael laugh a little, but there was complete seriousness in luke's voice.

"you're so drunk."

"i know you are but what am i?"

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