Chapter 8: Rarity Among The Mass

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"You should be happy to know that your secret love has been arranged to stay in Asgard for a couple of weeks." Thor began as he strutted up to his brother, a proud smile on his face as they both gazed out from one of the many castle balconies.

The fields were blooming with beautiful flowers, as always during this particular time of the year. Though, Asgard was beautiful no matter what time of the year it was.

Enraptured with something in the distance, Loki never responded to Thor, making him curious. Following his eyes, that were glossed with what Thor could only perceive as mischief, trained on a small blonde haired figure. His eyes began to widen in acknowledgment of who it was, quickly gripping his brother's arm, yanking him back. 

"Loki!" Thor boomed, his brow furrowed in anger. "Sigyn is not someone you can simply toy with until she quits, I won't allow it!"

Finally hearing his brother, Loki quickly shoved Thor, taking a step back with a warning glare.

"Sigyn is one of my closest friends, I don't wish anything to happen to her," Thor warned, sending a glare of his own back at him.

"What a surprise, I believed you were incapable of such compassion, I suppose fathers lessons have finally begun to sink in your obnoxiously thick head."

Thor grunted in annoyance, clenching his fist in anger, but allowed it to dissipate as he took a deep breath and stretched his hand.

"Are you not excited?" Thor questioned, deciding it best to move on from their previous discussion to their original.

"What do you mean, brother?" Loki questioned, an eyebrow quirking up in interest.

Rolling his eyes and giving into a stiff laugh, Thor wrapped his arm tightly around his brother's shoulders, putting in a bit more weight than he should. But Loki stood his ground, even if his buffalo of a brother was going to practically have him hold him.

"Your lady interest of course," Thor grinned, "She shall be here soon."

Finally giving his dear brother the attention he was begging for, Loki snapped his head towards him in obvious confusion.

"Oh please, Loki." Thor began, finally praying himself if his brother. "You had to of known it was only a matter of time, Mother and I have quite a keen eye when it comes to you." Thor started, tapping next to his right eye with a proud smile.

"And what of our dear Father, hmm?" Loki began, ignoring Thors long and exhausting sigh, as he knew another rant would begin.

"He loves you Loki, you know that."

Loki scoffed, "But love for me only goes so far. You and I know very well that second son is only second best."

Thor frowned, "This is about Fathers decision, isn't it?"

Loki gave him an icy cold glare before turning around to walk away, not wanting to completely ruin his day.

"I must say, I was flattered that Father chose me at all, considering our difference in logic and knowledge. But I warned him, clearly stating that you were the better of us two."

Sighing, Loki paused to turn to Thor, giving him a smile of sympathy rather than happiness. "If you believe that to be the only object of which I'm after, I'm afraid we both will be disappointed in the end."

Confused, Thor began to open his mouth to ask what exactly he had meant but was cut off short.

"And what is this about a 'Lady Love'?" Loki asked, his tone already laced with frustration.

"You may be the God of Mischief, dear brother, but with my cunning observational skills and Mothers expertly trained eye, you stood no chance. Lady Magna is most likely arriving this very moment."

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