Chapter 6: Dangerous Curiosity

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That night Sigyn laid in bed, her mind replaying Thor's words over and over as she tried to sleep.

Please don't also neglect him.

Closing her eyes, she was met by Thor's. They were shimmering bright blue in color as they looked into hers, pleading for her to simply try and understand.

"So much love," she murmured to herself, trying her best not to stir her mother.

Turning on her side, her eyes slowly flickered open. A long sigh escaped her lips as she viewed the dim light appearing on her wall from the lights outside the castle, attempting to fall asleep. But at around twenty minutes of trying, she finally came to the conclusion that she was too restless to do so, getting slowly up from the rock like bed and changing into her servant's' clothing.

Before leaving, she quickly scribbled down a note explaining her absence in case her mother was to wake while she was out. Signing her name, she placed the note next to the bed and left, shutting the door quietly as she began her night stroll.

She didn't know where she was going, all she did was follow where her feet took her.

Stopping at a large painting, she found herself staring at a war. It looked to be the war fought right before she was born. The war against Jotunheim.

Upon first look, one could immediately pick up the tension against the Allfather and Laufey, King of the Frost Giants. Expanding outwards from the two large men were a sea of people, a flood of blue and silver surrounding close to every other area. Sparks flying everywhere from battle, creating a far more fearsome effect. But most of all, from each far side, left and right, there was an established tone. From one end there was warmth and from the other, coldness. Almost as if foreshadowing the outcome of the war. Life against death.

It brought shivers down her spine.

"And what might you be doing?" A cold and calculating voice uttered from behind her.

She spun around to meet a set of glaring icy blue, almost green, eyes towering over her.

"J-just getting f-fresh air, I suppose, my Prince." She stated quickly, bowing her head.

"One would say a lady should be safely tucked away in her chambers," Loki remarked, a smirk dancing along his lips as his eyes tracked her every move. "After all, you never know what may happen during the night." He claimed smoothly, clasping his hands behind his back as he circled her like a predator does its prey.

"I suppose your right," she claimed softly, silently disagreeing with his reasoning. It has been decades since any other realm has even begun to think of attacking Asgard on its own soil. One would have to be truly foolish to attack them, the only realm with forces strong enough to eliminate any other if they chose to do so.

"And what brings you out so late, if I may ask, my prince?"

"Quite a tragically beautiful painting," he claimed, dodging the question. "My father, your King, fought a ferocious battle against these deplorable creatures, my father lost his eye to these monsters."

"It was a heroic act," She murmured, glancing at the raven-haired prince through the corner of her eye.

"You are not as sly as you believe," She heard his cold deep voice tell her, his eyes already on hers when she stared at him to rebuttal.

"I-I--" Sigyn started to apologize but was cut off with the wave of Loki's hand.

Turning towards her, his eyes lifeless as he leaned down and whispered into her ear, his warm breath tickling her as she began to turn a slight red.

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